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I can't get calDAV to work with any email client.

I am using the following URL:


They all report not able to connect and authenticate. But if I access the URL directly in my browser it will initiate a download for a text file containing the calendar data.

I also tried the following and it says the same thing.


Tried multiple CalDAV client apps and all produce the same results.

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I was able to connect using the follow URL


But appears to only be readonly.

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I also discovered this does not require any form of authentication. So anyone is able to download the ICS and see the contents of meeting invites.

Posted by: @worlddrknss

I was able to connect using the follow URL


But appears to only be readonly.


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Tried to setup Exchange ActiveSync as a last resort, but it does not generate a password.

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Is it possible to get this approved, or is CalDAV in the works to be fixed?

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Hello @worlddrknss,

Thank you so much for your insightful input. We have already forwarded your feedback to our developers and will get back to you as soon as we receive their response.

Thank you again.


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Posted by: @arman

Hello @worlddrknss,

Thank you so much for your insightful input. We have already forwarded your feedback to our developers and will get back to you as soon as we receive their response.

Thank you again.


Thanks Guys!!

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Posted by: @worlddrknss

Is it possible to get this approved, or is CalDAV in the works to be fixed?



As you know that we have forwarded this to our dev team. Meanwhile, could you please provide us some more information so that our dev team can reproduce the scenario accordingly.

Your server OS:
Carbonio CE version:
Name of some CalDAV apps that you have tried so far:
Any error: Text format/screetshot.

We appreciate your patience and effort.

Thanks and regards,


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Your server OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Carbonio CE version: 23.1.0
Name of some CalDAV apps that you have tried so far: Thunderbird, BlueMail, One Calendar, Kalendar
Any error: Text format/screetshot.

Kalendar - States the URL doesn't require authentication, refuses to connect
BlueMail - States can't connect to CalDAV
One Calendar - States An error occurred while sending the request, no response.
Thunderbird - The credentials you have entered were not accepted. Please check your settings.

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I managed to set it up so that i can see it in outlook using the url above but is marked as read only 

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@worlddrknss Same here ioutlook tells me it is read only

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Any news on this issue it is stopping me form deploying in production?
