Hello, i use this guide for migration to Carbonio CE - https://docs.zextras.com/carbonio/html/postinstall/migration.html.
But i have error, when i try import calendar file(instead some_name and some_domain i use real account and domain):
echo "prov sa some_name@some_domain.local postRestURL '/Calendar?fmt=ics' /opt/zextras/backup/some_name@some_domain.local.ics" | carbonio prov> prov sa some_name@some_domain.local postRestURL '/Calendar?fmt=ics' /opt/zextras/backup/some_name@some_domain.local.ics usage: searchAccounts(sa) [-v] {ldap-query} [limit {limit}] [offset {offset}] [sortBy {attr}] [sortAscending 0|1*] [domain {domain}]
I'm newbie in carbonio mail server, and don't understand, which syntax i need to use.
Thanks for help
@kadet77rus we are planning to release an updated and more comprehensive migration guide within the technical docs on docs.zextras.com. I will start working on it soon, it will be published at latest for the 24.9 release, but hopefully before that deadline.
@sharif i have error
zmmailbox -z -m xxx@xxx.xx postRestUrl "/Calendar?fmt=ics" /opt/zextras/backup/xxx\@xx.xx.ics
ERROR: zclient.IO_ERROR (Connection refused) (cause: java.net.ConnectException Connection refused)
@sharif I found solution in your post in another topic)
zmprov md sampleserver.xyz zimbraPublicServicePort 443 zmprov md sampleserver.xyz zimbraPublicServiceProtocol https zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServiceHostname mail.sampleserver.xyz zmmailboxdctl restart