After updating to version 24.9 I have this error in the syslog:
Nov 1 00:07:28 ms service-discovered[191414]: 2024-11-01T00:07:28.047-0500 [ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=PUT url=/v1/kv/rabbitmq/default/startup_lock?acquire=8c5a9820-************-8bc7c4cee87b from= error="Permission denied: token with AccessorID '2ec49688-************-f71689f71502' lacks permission 'key:write' on \"rabbitmq/default/startup_lock\""
How can I solve it?
You're right!
I also can see this errors in my logs.... any ideas how to fix it?
My guess you have to add "write" to the key in a consul policy.
But I have no idea of how consul works. :/
This sounds like a wrong token has been passed by consul/mesh to reach/communicate with rabbitmq, so maybe a misconfiguration somewhere. Being no expert in either of the software programs, I will forward the issue to our devs.
we found a solution to the issue and added direction to fix the issue to the page Troubleshooting Carbonio CE > Work Stream Collaboration (Chats):