errors in mysql_err...
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errors in mysql_error.log

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in mysql_error.log alot of strings:

2024-04-16 23:33:17 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_table_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade
2024-04-16 23:33:17 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_index_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade
2024-04-16 23:33:17 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_table_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade
2024-04-16 23:33:17 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_index_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade
2024-04-16 23:33:17 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_table_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade
2024-04-16 23:33:17 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Table mysql/innodb_index_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade

 What steps I need to do, for solve this problem and keep safety of maildata?

Sorry for dummy question.

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Don't worry about the question.

Could you please tell us something more: Like

  • Is it a new installation ?
  • What is the version? OS and Carbonio CE

Output of :

root@mail:/opt/zextras/conf# /opt/zextras/bin/mysql


root@mail:/opt/zextras/conf# /opt/zextras/libexec/zmdbintegrityreport




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No, its some times upgraded installation since december 2023.

OS: Ubuntu 20 LTS, Carbonio CE: 24.3.0

root@mail:/opt/zextras/conf# /opt/zextras/bin/mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 7199
Server version: 10.4.33-MariaDB-log Zextras MariaDB binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> exit
root@mail:/opt/zextras/conf# /opt/zextras/libexec/zmdbintegrityreport

 2nd command shows nothing.

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Okay. It seems your database has the right version.

Can you take snapshots/backups before performing any troubleshooting steps: Like

root@mail:~# /opt/zextras/common/bin/mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/opt/zextras/conf/my.cnf --all-databases --auto-repair
chat.CHANNEL                                       OK
chat.CHANNELV3                                     OK
chat.CONVERSATION_OPTIONS                          OK
chat.EVENTMESSAGE                                  OK
chat.FIREBASE                                      OK
chat.GROUP                                         OK
chat.INSTANT_MEETING                               OK
chat.MESSAGE                                       OK
chat.MESSAGE_READ                                  OK
chat.OWNER                                         OK
chat.RELATIONSHIP                                  OK
chat.SPACE                                         OK
chat.SUBSCRIPTION                                  OK
chat.USER                                          OK
chat.USERV3                                        OK
chat.USER_ROOM_JOIN                                OK
chat.VISIBILITY                                    OK
mboxgroup1.appointment                             OK
mboxgroup1.appointment_dumpster                    OK
mboxgroup1.data_source_item                        OK
mboxgroup1.event                                   OK
mboxgroup1.imap_folder                             OK
mboxgroup1.imap_message                            OK
mboxgroup1.mail_item                               OK
mboxgroup1.mail_item_dumpster                      OK
mboxgroup1.open_conversation                       OK
mboxgroup1.pop3_message                            OK
mboxgroup1.purged_conversations                    OK
mboxgroup1.purged_messages                         OK
mboxgroup1.revision                                OK
mboxgroup1.revision_dumpster                       OK
mboxgroup1.tag                                     OK
mboxgroup1.tagged_item                             OK
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mboxgroup2.appointment                             OK
mboxgroup2.appointment_dumpster                    OK
mboxgroup2.data_source_item                        OK
mboxgroup2.event                                   OK
mboxgroup2.imap_folder                             OK
mboxgroup2.imap_message                            OK
mboxgroup2.mail_item                               OK
mboxgroup2.mail_item_dumpster                      OK
mboxgroup2.open_conversation                       OK
mboxgroup2.pop3_message                            OK
mboxgroup2.purged_conversations                    OK
mboxgroup2.purged_messages                         OK
mboxgroup2.revision                                OK
mboxgroup2.revision_dumpster                       OK
mboxgroup2.tag                                     OK
mboxgroup2.tagged_item                             OK
mboxgroup2.tombstone                               OK                                   OK
mboxgroup3.appointment                             OK
mboxgroup3.appointment_dumpster                    OK
mboxgroup3.data_source_item                        OK
mboxgroup3.event                                   OK
mboxgroup3.imap_folder                             OK
mboxgroup3.imap_message                            OK
mboxgroup3.mail_item                               OK
mboxgroup3.mail_item_dumpster                      OK
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mboxgroup3.purged_messages                         OK
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mboxgroup3.tagged_item                             OK
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mboxgroup4.mail_item                               OK
mboxgroup4.mail_item_dumpster                      OK
mboxgroup4.open_conversation                       OK
mboxgroup4.pop3_message                            OK
mboxgroup4.purged_conversations                    OK
mboxgroup4.purged_messages                         OK
mboxgroup4.revision                                OK
mboxgroup4.revision_dumpster                       OK
mboxgroup4.tag                                     OK
mboxgroup4.tagged_item                             OK
mboxgroup4.tombstone                               OK                                   OK
mboxgroup5.appointment                             OK
mboxgroup5.appointment_dumpster                    OK
mboxgroup5.data_source_item                        OK
mboxgroup5.event                                   OK
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mboxgroup5.imap_message                            OK
mboxgroup5.mail_item                               OK
mboxgroup5.mail_item_dumpster                      OK
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mboxgroup5.purged_conversations                    OK
mboxgroup5.purged_messages                         OK
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mboxgroup5.tagged_item                             OK
mboxgroup5.tombstone                               OK                                   OK
mboxgroup6.appointment                             OK
mboxgroup6.appointment_dumpster                    OK
mboxgroup6.data_source_item                        OK
mboxgroup6.event                                   OK
mboxgroup6.imap_folder                             OK
mboxgroup6.imap_message                            OK
mboxgroup6.mail_item                               OK
mboxgroup6.mail_item_dumpster                      OK
mboxgroup6.open_conversation                       OK
mboxgroup6.pop3_message                            OK
mboxgroup6.purged_conversations                    OK
mboxgroup6.purged_messages                         OK
mboxgroup6.revision                                OK
mboxgroup6.revision_dumpster                       OK
mboxgroup6.tag                                     OK
mboxgroup6.tagged_item                             OK
mboxgroup6.tombstone                               OK                                   OK
mysql.column_stats                                 OK
mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
mysql.db                                           OK
mysql.event                                        OK
mysql.func                                         OK
mysql.global_priv                                  OK
mysql.gtid_slave_pos                               OK
mysql.help_category                                OK
mysql.help_keyword                                 OK
mysql.help_relation                                OK
mysql.help_topic                                   OK
mysql.index_stats                                  OK
mysql.innodb_index_stats                           OK
mysql.innodb_table_stats                           OK
mysql.plugin                                       OK
mysql.proc                                         OK
mysql.procs_priv                                   OK
mysql.proxies_priv                                 OK
mysql.roles_mapping                                OK
mysql.servers                                      OK
mysql.table_stats                                  OK
mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
mysql.time_zone                                    OK
mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK
mysql.transaction_registry                         OK
zimbra.config                                      OK
zimbra.current_sessions                            OK
zimbra.current_volumes                             OK
zimbra.deleted_account                             OK
zimbra.mailbox                                     OK
zimbra.mailbox_metadata                            OK
zimbra.out_of_office                               OK
zimbra.pending_acl_push                            OK
zimbra.scheduled_task                              OK
zimbra.service_status                              OK
zimbra.table_maintenance                           OK
zimbra.volume                                      OK
zimbra.volume_blobs                                OK



root@mail:~# /opt/zextras/common/bin/mysql_upgrade --defaults-file=/opt/zextras/conf/my.cnf
This installation of MariaDB is already upgraded to 10.4.33-MariaDB.
There is no need to run mysql_upgrade again for 10.4.33-MariaDB.
You can use --force if you still want to run mysql_upgrade


Note: Please take necessary backups before executing any commands related to the troubleshooting process.





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mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) when trying to connect


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Posts: 593



Try with the password:

root@mail:~# /opt/zextras/common/bin/mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/opt/zextras/conf/my.cnf --all-databases --auto-repair -p
Enter password:
chat.CHANNEL                                       OK
chat.CHANNELV3                                     OK
chat.CONVERSATION_OPTIONS                          OK
chat.EVENTMESSAGE                                  OK
chat.FIREBASE                                      OK

this will prompt the password. Put the PostgreSQL password you created during installation.



This post was modified 8 months ago by Md. Shariful Islam

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@sharif thanks for help!

can I ask one more stupid question. I need to do "zmcontrol stop" before start mysql_upgrade or no?

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Please don't say that. No one knows everything. We all are exploring and learning by sharing information.

And yes it would be better if you stop services then perform the step. Also do take backup before any major diagnosis.

Have a good day!



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@sharif its me again 🙁

with key "-p" I got same error. (I try it via ssh and tty)

Then I try to use

root@mail:~# /opt/zextras/common/bin/mysql -u root -p

and get same error too. So, as I think the reason is a bad password. But I remember it work well when I use it in upgrade postgresql with upgrade from 24.1 to 24.3. Maybe I do any mistake at that time.

So, I want try change mysql root password. What I need to change too in Carbonio configuration?

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So, I think main reason in my trouble is corrupt or missed mysql root password. I found 2 ways. May be it helps someone, who will search later.

1) most safe. add string in my.cnf at [mysqld] section:


Then, by zextras user:

zmcontrol stop
mysql.server start

 Then apply 1st command, then 2nd. Then delete string in my.cnf and restart.

 with 1st variant of fix DB after reboot errors in log come back. After apply 2nd variant it works well.


2) get it with:

zextras@mail:~$ zmlocalconfig -s | grep mysql_root_password

So, with knowledge password we can run both commands with key "-p". 


zextras@mail:~$ zmlocalconfig -e -f mysql_root_password='NEWPASSWORD'

Then restart mysqld or reboot.

sigtrap reacted