Hi everyone!
Trying Carbonio CE now and found 1 not good thing: when someone upload file, and then delete it (from the trash too) - File in the storage (/opt/zextras/carbonio-storage/blob) is still exist. So, what i need to do to autodelete all this files after deleting them in web-interface? And another question how can i change default storage for "Files" feature (default is /opt/zextras/carbonio-storage/blob). Sorry for my bad English
UPD: Found table "tombstone" in postgres database "carbonio-files-db". After deleting file from trash folder in the table appears new row with id of that file, but there is a question, when that files will remove from /opt/zextras/carbonio-storage/blob/ ?
UPD: If someone need that info, when the file appears in table "tombstone" it will be deleted after ~1-4 hours, but dont found script how it happends. Cant find how to change directory to save files, so i mount 1 of my discs to the folder /opt/zextras/carbonio-storage/ (dont forget to set owner to carbonio-storages, and chmod to 755)
Found another bug, cant found how to fix it: in the Chats feature any user can attach files in message, files will place to the same folder /opt/zextras/carbonio-storage/ and deletes automatically after deleting message, BUT if message with file not deleted, but chat cleared, even if cleared by both users - file stays forever) - so i turned off feature Chats