Problem when i try ...
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Problem when i try to upload a file.

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Hi carbonio frinds!!!

I have problems when i try to upload a file in the store system.

Captura Pantalla

A alguien mas le ha pasado??


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It's in the user guide: Please read the box File Upload and Download under

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@stefanodavid Hi!!!

Is`t work for me 🙁


What i need to check ???


Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 637


Could you please share the output of the following commands:

root@mail:~# systemctl list-units carbonio*


root@mail:~# curl -s -v  | jq

also, let us know:

1. Your server OS version
2. zmcontrol -v



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here is the answer...

root@xxxxx:/home/xxxxx# systemctl list-units carbonio*
  UNIT                                               LOAD   ACTIVE     SUB          JOB   DESCRIPTION                                       
  carbonio-clamav-sidecar.service                    loaded active     running            Carbonio clamav sidecar proxy                     
  carbonio-clamav-signature-provider-sidecar.service loaded active     running            NGINX Carbonio ClamAV signature provider sidecar  
  carbonio-docs-connector-db-sidecar.service         loaded active     running            Carbonio Docs Connector database sidecar          
  carbonio-docs-connector-sidecar.service            loaded active     running            Carbonio docs connector sidecar proxy             
  carbonio-docs-connector.service                    loaded active     running            Carbonio docs connector daemon                    
  carbonio-docs-editor-sidecar.service               loaded active     running            Carbonio Docs server sidecar proxy                
  carbonio-docs-editor.service                       loaded active     running            Carbonio Docs Server                              
  carbonio-files-db-sidecar.service                  loaded active     running            Carbonio Files database sidecar                   
  carbonio-files-sidecar.service                     loaded active     running            Carbonio Files sidecar proxy                      
  carbonio-files.service                             loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio Files daemon                             
  carbonio-mailbox-admin-sidecar.service             loaded active     running            Carbonio Mailbox Admin proxy sidecar              
  carbonio-mailbox-db-sidecar.service                loaded active     running            Carbonio Mailbox database sidecar                 
  carbonio-mailbox-nslookup-sidecar.service          loaded active     running            Carbonio Mailbox NSLookup proxy sidecar           
  carbonio-mailbox-sidecar.service                   loaded active     running            Mailbox carbonio proxy sidecar                    
  carbonio-message-broker-sidecar.service            loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio message broker sidecar proxy             
  carbonio-message-broker.service                    loaded activating start        start Carbonio message broker daemon                    
  carbonio-message-dispatcher-auth-sidecar.service   loaded active     running            Carbonio Message Dispatcher auth sidecar proxy    
  carbonio-message-dispatcher-auth.service           loaded active     running            Carbonio Message Dispatcher auth daemon           
  carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-sidecar.service     loaded active     running            Carbonio Message Dispatcher database sidecar      
  carbonio-message-dispatcher-http-sidecar.service   loaded active     running            Carbonio Message Dispatcher HTTP sidecar proxy    
  carbonio-message-dispatcher-xmpp-sidecar.service   loaded active     running            Carbonio Message Dispatcher XMPP sidecar proxy    
  carbonio-message-dispatcher.service                loaded active     running            Carbonio Message Dispatcher daemon                
  carbonio-mta-sidecar.service                       loaded active     running            Carbonio mta sidecar proxy                        
  carbonio-preview-sidecar.service                   loaded active     running            Carbonio Preview sidecar proxy                    
  carbonio-preview.service                           loaded active     running            Carbonio Preview daemon                           
  carbonio-prometheus-consul-exporter.service        loaded active     running            Carbonio Prometheus Consul exporter               
  carbonio-prometheus-mysqld-exporter.service        loaded active     running            Carbonio Prometheus MySQL exporter                
  carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service         loaded active     running            Carbonio Prometheus NGINX exporter                
  carbonio-prometheus-node-exporter.service          loaded active     running            Carbonio Prometheus Node Exporter                 
  carbonio-prometheus-openldap-exporter.service      loaded active     running            Carbonio Prometheus OpenLDAP exporter             
  carbonio-proxy-sidecar.service                     loaded active     running            NGINX carbonio proxy sidecar                      
  carbonio-storages-sidecar.service                  loaded active     running            Storages-CE sidecar proxy                         
  carbonio-storages.service                          loaded active     running            Carbonio Storages-CE daemon                       
  carbonio-tasks-db-sidecar.service                  loaded active     running            Carbonio Tasks database sidecar                   
  carbonio-tasks-sidecar.service                     loaded active     running            Carbonio Tasks sidecar proxy                      
  carbonio-tasks.service                             loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio Tasks daemon                             
  carbonio-user-management-sidecar.service           loaded active     running            Carbonio User Management sidecar proxy            
  carbonio-user-management.service                   loaded active     running            Carbonio User Management daemon                   
  carbonio-videoserver-sidecar.service               loaded active     running            Carbonio Videoserver sidecar proxy                
  carbonio-videoserver.service                       loaded active     running            Zextras Videoserver                               
  carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-sidecar.service       loaded active     running            Carbonio Workstream Collaboration database sidecar
  carbonio-ws-collaboration-sidecar.service          loaded active     running            Carbonio Workstream Collaboration sidecar proxy   
  carbonio-ws-collaboration.service                  loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio Workstream Collaboration daemon          
  carbonio.service                                   loaded active     exited             LSB: Carbonio Services                            

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
JOB    = Pending job for the unit.

44 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.


And the second answer...

root@xxxxx:/home/xxxxx# curl -s -v   | jq
*   Trying
* connect to port 10000 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to port 10000: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0



 Server Version: 

root@xxxxx:/home/xxxxx# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focal



zmcontrol -v

Carbonio Release 24.7.1





Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 637


I can see some of carbonio CE services are not running. Is there any particular reason for that? 

carbonio-files.service                             loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio Files daemon
carbonio-message-broker-sidecar.service            loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio message broker sidecar proxy             
carbonio-message-broker.service                    loaded activating start        start Carbonio message broker daemon                 
carbonio-tasks.service                             loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio Tasks daemon
carbonio-ws-collaboration.service                  loaded activating auto-restart       Carbonio Workstream Collaboration daemon

also, we can not check the service health status as per:

root@xxxxx:/home/xxxxx# curl -s -v    | jq
*   Trying
* connect to port 10000 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to port 10000: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0


Just restart the server and then do;

su - zextras -c 'zmcontrol restart'
systemctl restart carbonio-tasks
systemctl restart carbonio-message-broker
systemctl restart carbonio-message-dispatcher
systemctl restart carbonio-ws-collaboration
systemctl restart carbonio-videoserver

Now, check all the status using following commands:

su - zextras -c "zmcontrol status"
consul members
systemctl list-units carbonio*
curl -s -v  | jq

And if you still find any service not running, try finding some clue using:

journalctl -u <service-name>

For Example: 
journalctl -u carbonio-tasks




