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service-discover: error: unable to download credentials from LDAP

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I was trying to setup Carbonio CE on Rocky Linux 8 but I can't seem to complete the installation. 
When I try to perform service-discover setup-wizard I always get the following error. I try to google around but it seems like I am the only one encountering the issue. Ldap server seems to be running and listening on port 389, is there anyway I can make the error message more verbose ?
[root@bogus ~]# service-discover setup-wizard
ens192 X.X.X.X/24, ffffffff/64
Specify the binding address for service discovery: X.X.X.X
Insert the cluster credential password:
service-discover: error: unable to download credentials from LDAP: unable to download data from ldap: expected 1 ldap result but instead got 0

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 11

I'm getting the same issue. Running:-

- Carbonio Release 23.9.0

- Rocky Linux 8 

Host xxxxx

        amavis                  Running

        antispam                Running

        antivirus               Running

        directory-server        Running

        logger                  Stopped

        mailbox                 Running

        memcached               Running

        mta                     Running

        opendkim                Running

        proxy                   Running

        service webapp          Running

        stats                   Running

        config service          Running


Strangely logger is not working and when I try to restart it shows:-


Starting logger...skipped.

                 missing or not executable.

When I run nmap

nmap -p 1-1000 localhost

Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2023-09-28 06:12 EDT

Nmap scan report for localhost (

Host is up (0.00041s latency).

Not shown: 991 closed ports


22/tcp  open  ssh

25/tcp  open  smtp

110/tcp open  pop3

143/tcp open  imap

443/tcp open  https

465/tcp open  smtps

587/tcp open  submission

993/tcp open  imaps

995/tcp open  pop3s

It seems the ldap service is not running 


I just realised from this article ( that for Rocky Linux 8 - there is another package called carbonio-prometheus; so the installation script should be 

dnf -y install carbonio-directory-server \ carbonio-proxy \ carbonio-webui carbonio-files-ui \ carbonio-mta \ carbonio-appserver \ carbonio-user-management carbonio-preview-ce \ carbonio-files-ce carbonio-files-db \ carbonio-storages-ce \ carbonio-docs-connector-ce carbonio-docs-editor \ carbonio-prometheus

Whilst going through the log - I found this:-

Thu Sep 28 07:38:47 2023 *** Running as zextras user: /opt/zextras/bin/zmprov -r -m -l mcf  zimbraMemcachedBindAddress ''

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: unable to modify attrs: object class violation - unable to modify attributes: ldap attribute 'zimbraMemcachedBindAddress' not allowed) (cause: com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapException$LdapObjectClassViolationException object class violation - unable to modify attributes: ldap attribute 'zimbraMemcachedBindAddress' not allowed)

Thu Sep 28 07:38:51 2023 Setting services on

Can anyone shed light on why ldap is acting up? 


Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 11

I found for some reason in my installation that ldap_bind_url was empty..

You can check by running:-

su zextras

zmlocalconfig | grep ldap_bind_url

if it is empty - you can set the value to localhost (assuming single server installation)

zmlocalconfig -e ldap_bind_url='ldap://'

After that you can restart ldap with

/opt/zextras/bin/ldap restart

and then ldap was now available 

but when I try restart zmcontrol - many problems ensue. 

Starting logger...skipped.

                 missing or not executable.

        Starting config service...Failed.

Starting zmconfigd...failed.



        Starting mailbox...Failed.



        Starting memcached...Done.

        Starting proxy...Done.

        Starting antivirus...Done.

        Starting mta...Done.

        Starting stats...Done.

        Starting service webapp...

This post was modified 1 year ago by hodfords
