I'm seeing the following 3 lines repeating in /var/log/postgesql/postgresql-16-main.log.
root@mail:/var/log/postgresql# tail -f postgresql-16-main.log
2024-03-31 01:57:27.637 UTC [17856] carbonio-ws-collaboration-db@carbonio-ws-collaboration-db LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
2024-03-31 01:57:43.752 UTC [17978] carbonio-files-db@carbonio-files-db FATAL: password authentication failed for user "carbonio-files-db"
2024-03-31 01:57:43.752 UTC [17978] carbonio-files-db@carbonio-files-db DETAIL: Connection matched file "/etc/postgresql/16/main/pg_hba.conf" line 125: "host all all scram-sha-256"
How do I resolve the conflict between the password in the database engine and the password in the config? I've looked in all the files/places I thought were obvious and haven't found it.
Thanks in advance!
For now try this:
zextras@mail:~$ su - postgres postgres@mail:~$ psql psql (12.17 (Ubuntu 12.17-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# postgres=# ALTER ROLE carbonio_adm WITH PASSWORD '654321'; postgres=# exit postgres@mail:~$ exit logout root@mail:~# root@mail:~# systemctl restart postgresql@16-main.service
FYI - I have no idea what caused this problem... however, since I did not have a ton of time invested in that build of Carbonio, I decided to fire up another build and see if I ran into the same problems. The 2nd build went like clockwork, so I just migrated the two email accounts I set up over to the new server and I'm good to go. This was the same server that was prompting me for a Cluster Password on setup, so something obviously went sideways on installation.
Did someone solved this one. I have the same problem.
[WARN] agent: Check is now critical: check=service:carbonio-files
[WARN] agent: Check is now critical: check=service:carbonio-tasks
Could you please try this:
Retrieve the password for both db by following steps:
root@mail:~# consul kv get -recurse -token-file="/etc/carbonio/files-db/service-discover/token" carbonio-files/db-name:carbonio-files-db carbonio-files/db-password:f057bcdf6e552c9340d5c1e0e91764a9 carbonio-files/db-username:carbonio-files-db root@mail:~# root@mail:~# root@mail:~# root@mail:~# root@mail:~# root@mail:~# consul kv get -recurse -token-file="/etc/carbonio/tasks-db/service-discover/token" carbonio-tasks/db-name:carbonio-tasks-db carbonio-tasks/db-password:a2c20789aee76a2a44d22e857073fbb5 carbonio-tasks/db-username:carbonio-tasks-db
Then reset the password again using retrieved password using the following steps:
root@mail:~# su - postgres postgres@mail:~$ psql psql (16.2 (Ubuntu 16.2-1.pgdg22.04+1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# postgres=# ALTER ROLE "carbonio-files-db" WITH PASSWORD 'f057bcdf6e552c9340d5c1e0e91764a9'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# ALTER ROLE "carbonio-tasks-db" WITH PASSWORD 'a2c20789aee76a2a44d22e857073fbb5'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# exit
Now restart some services:
root@mail:~# systemctl restart service-discover root@mail:~# systemctl restart postgresql@16-main.service root@mail:~# systemctl restart carbonio-files root@mail:~# systemctl restart carbonio-tasks Now check their sttaus from both cli and GUI. root@mail:~# systemctl status carbonio-files root@mail:~# systemctl status carbonio-tasks
I am sorry that you had to go through all of this. Please let me know how it goes?