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Compile from sources

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I am trying to compile Carbonio from sources from Github. Is there any document that provides required guidance? I was able to compile carbonio-mailbox. But unable to start the service. 

Best regards,


Famed Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 19

Hi @a_raghava,

thank you for your interest in compiling Carbonio from sources!

I want to assure you that we're actively working towards making every component of Carbonio fully buildable. However, there are some technical challenges related to the interdependencies and connections between various packages and roles that Carbonio relies on. These interdependencies are crucial to ensuring the system's robustness and seamless integration across different environments.

It would be great to understand your specific goals or the reasons why you want to compile Carbonio from sources. Are there any particular features or functionalities you're looking for that aren't available in the current releases? Your feedback could help us identify any gaps or missing features and improve the experience for all users.

Our team is continuously improving the build process, and we hope to resolve these issues soon.

In the meantime, please stay tuned for updates as we'll be sharing more information along the way.

Thank you for your patience and support!

