ERROR: service.FAIL...
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ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: POST failed, status=500 500)

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Good day everyone, I am having some difficulties during the migration from my Zimbra OSE server to the Carbonio CE.

Mailbox migrated ok, no problem, now that I am trying to import the data of the mailboxes I received the error "ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: POST failed, status=500 500)"

I tried these steps and command:

zmmailbox -v -z -m user@domain postRestURL '//?fmt=tgz&resolve=skip' mbox/user@domain.tgz ;

zmmailbox -v -z -m user@domain -t 0 postRestURL -u https://server_url '//?fmt=tgz&resolve=skip' mbox/user@domain.tgz ;

zmmailbox -v -z -m user@domain -t 0 postRestURL -u https://IP '//?fmt=tgz&resolve=skip' mbox/user@domain.tgz ;

These information I tried also on the GUI although aside the port 443 the hostname and the protocol https were configured also before the data import, anyhow:

zmprov md domain zimbraPublicServicePort 443

zmprov md dominio zimbraPublicServiceProtocol https

zmprov mcf zimbraPublicServiceHostname FQDN

The verbose output

ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: POST failed, status=500 500)

com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException: system failure: POST failed, status=500 500



at com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException.FAILURE(

at com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox.postRESTResource(

at com.zimbra.cs.zclient.ZMailboxUtil.doPostRestURL(

at com.zimbra.cs.zclient.ZMailboxUtil.execute(

at com.zimbra.cs.zclient.ZMailboxUtil.main(


Something that I noticed running the command of import with the debug mode, before the error above, it shows the server admin url with the port 9071 although this port is not running on the server


      <soapURL> https://FQDN/service/soap/</soapURL>

      <publicURL> https://FQDN</publicURL>

      <adminURL> https://FQDN:9071/carbonioAdmin</adminURL>






Any Ideas of how to solve this?

Thank you

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Forgot to mention that I reload the mailbox with the command:

zmmailboxdctl restart

Followed this post email restore issue with zmmailbox command – Carbonio General – Zextras Forum


Another question, I noticed that in the Carbonio CE there is no GUI on the web mailbox for Import / Export as it was for Zimbra. Is this a feature of the paid version?

FYI I am running the

Carbonio Release 23.11.0

Let me know what can I check to make the import works

Thank you


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Another information.

the zimbra server name mail.domain

the carbonio server name mail2.domain


I didn't find any problem importing the mailbox, I don't think I have to change anything on the server name to import the mailbox data, also because eventually I tried with the fqdn in the -u option

Thank you
