I'm trying to request Lest's encrypt certificate, but without success, I noticed that the redirection is not working, if I type http://mail.exemplo.com it doesn't redirect to https://mail.exemplo.com, could that be the problem?
Yes, you are correct that it is about redirection. In Carbonio CE, the default value for ReverseProxyMailMode is by default set to https hence the server only accepts connection through https.
zextras@mail:~$ carbonio prov gs mail.sampleserver.xyz | grep -i reverseproxymailmode zimbraReverseProxyMailMode: https zextras@mail:~$
Therefore, when Let's Encrypt is trying to connect to the server using HTTP protocol, and it was not been able to establish the connection. So when you try to configure Let's Encrypt please set the mode from HTTPS to REDIRECT as follows:
zextras@mail:~$ carbonio prov ms mail.sampleserver.xyz zimbraReverseProxyMailMode redirect
Restart Proxy Service.
zextras@mail:~$ zmproxyctl restart
Then, try to generate a Let's Encrypt Certificate using a Long/Short Chain.
Note: After successful Let's Encrypt Certificate deployment, you can revert the ReverseProxyMailMode to HTTPS again.
Hope it helps.