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12/29/2023 00:34
From docs. zextras. com carbonio/html/release/upgrade html#upgrade-nodes
I have a single-server installation, but installing in November 2023 I probably have all Nodes on a single server?
So you backup the server, and an extra backup of the LDAP?
Then step 3 I understand as you have to fix something.
And step 4 you have to remember the DB_AMD_PWD or is it stored as an environment variable? You just run the commands and the $DB_ADM_PWD will be ok?
Any success stories? Any problems I need to know before I upgrade?
Topic starter
12/29/2023 11:07
Can it be a line is missing at step 4 of upgrade.html so the DB_ADM_PWD is set?
read -s -p "Password:" DB_ADM_PWD
01/20/2024 01:11
Check out the update section of my guide for a working process including how to find the DB_AMD_PWD.
sigtrap reacted