I need to tune some options like zimbraMailContentMaxSize, zimbraMtaMaxMessageSize and zimbraFileUploadMaxSize not just globally, but specifically for a single mailbox.
Even just for a specific domain could help.
Is it possible to do this and how ?
Trying to set that option like :
zmprov ma user@domain zimbraMailContentMaxSize 52428800
ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: unable to modify attrs: object class violation - unable to modify attributes: ldap host=xxxx.com:389: attribute 'zimbraMailContentMaxSize' not allowed)
It seems that the option is not available for the mailbox
I'm using Carbonio 24.7.0
I'm sorry to bring you bad news. There is no way to do that. 😑
Thank you.
Is there any interest to implement this functionality in a future version ?