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Upgrade to 24.9.0 openldap not starting

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Hi there !

On ubuntu 22.04 and Carbonio 24.7 I followed the upgrade procedure, but I got the following errors;

carbonio-directory-server (4.17.6-1jammy) wird eingerichtet ...
* Starting LDAP upgrade...
** Applying changes from /opt/zextras/libexec/scripts/LDAP/migrations/pre_flight//01_olcPidFile_path_update.pl...
* Error applying changes from /opt/zextras/libexec/scripts/LDAP/migrations/pre_
flight//01_olcPidFile_path_update.pl: Failed to connect to LDAP server using any of the provided LDPAI socket paths. at /opt/zextras/common/lib/perl5/Zextras/LdapMigrationUtils.pm line 63.

Stopping openldap...openldap is not running.
Looking for LDAP installation...succeeded
Installing core schema...
Installing cosine schema...
Installing inetOrgPerson schema...
Installing zimbra schema...
Installing amavis schema...
Installing dyngroup schema...
Installing OpenDKIM schema...
Connection refused at /opt/zextras/libexec/zmldapupdateldif line 44, <DATA> line 960.
Connection refused at /opt/zextras/libexec/ldapattributeupdate line 56, <DATA> line 960.
Stopping openldap...openldap is not running.
Starting openldap...failed.

So the dicovery service is not starting as the openldap is not running

Any help would be appreciated !

Joined: 2 weeks ago
Posts: 4

This is probably a duplicate of https://community.zextras.com/forum/postid/8992/

Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 62
