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Antivirus failing to start

8 Posts
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Can you help me, I have an antivirus error
how can I find the error log?

zextras@carbo:/root$ zmcontrol status
amavis Running
antispam Running
antivirus Stopped
zmclamdctl is not running
directory-server Running
mailbox Running
memcached Running
mta Running
opendkim Running
proxy Running
service webapp Running
service-discover Running
stats Running
config service Running

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 563


Could you check followings:

$ zmantivirusdctl restart

and while restarting check:

$ tail -f /var/log/carbonio.log



Joined: 2 weeks ago
Posts: 5
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Hello, I notice that several services are automatically going down.


zextras@carbo:/root$ zmcontrol status
amavis Running
antispam Running
antivirus Stopped
zmclamdctl is not running
directory-server Running
mailbox Stopped
zmmailboxdctl is not running.
memcached Running
mta Running
opendkim Running
proxy Running
service webapp Stopped
zmmailboxdctl is not running.
service-discover Running
stats Running
config service Running

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 563



tail -f /var/log/carbonio.log



Joined: 2 weeks ago
Posts: 5
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root@carbo:~# tail -f /var/log/carbonio.log
Sep 9 03:24:49 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Rewrote: /opt/zextras/common/conf/ with mode 440 (0.01 sec)
Sep 9 03:24:49 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Rewrote: /opt/zextras/mailboxd/modules/setuid.mod with mode 440 (0.01 sec)
Sep 9 03:24:49 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Rewrote: /opt/zextras/data/spamassassin/localrules/ with mode 440 (0.01 sec)
Sep 9 03:24:49 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Rewrote: /opt/zextras/conf/mta_milter_options with mode 440 (0.00 sec)
Sep 9 03:24:49 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Rewrote: /opt/zextras/mailboxd/start.d/setuid.ini with mode 440 (0.01 sec)
Sep 9 03:24:52 carbo sshd[41517]: Accepted password for root from port 53994 ssh2
Sep 9 03:24:52 carbo systemd-logind[446]: New session 21 of user root.
Sep 9 03:24:52 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All rewrite threads completed in 3.55 sec
Sep 9 03:24:52 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All restarts completed in 0.00 sec
Sep 9 03:24:54 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting mailbox via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:24:59 carbo sshd[40858]: Connection closed by port 38777 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:24:59 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting memcached via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting proxy via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting amavis via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: amavis master process starting. daemonized as PID [42337], perl 5.034000
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42340] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42342] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42343] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42343] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder) after 0.0 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42340] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder) after 0.0 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:05 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42342] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder) after 0.0 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42348]: logging initialized, log level 1, syslog: amavis.local0
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42348]: starting. /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavisd at amavis-2.13.1 (20240304), Unicode aware, LC_ALL="C.UTF-8", LANG="C.UTF-8"
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42348]: perl=5.034000, user=998, EUID: 998 (998); group=(), EGID: 998 5 118 982 998 (998 5 118 982 998)
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42348]: SpamControl: init_pre_chroot on SpamAssassin done
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: Process Backgrounded
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: 2024/09/09-03:25:06 Amavis (type Net::Server::PreForkSimple) starting! pid(42356)
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: Binding to UNIX socket file "/opt/zextras/data/amavisd/amavisd.sock"
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10024 on host with IPv4
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10026 on host with IPv4
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10032 on host with IPv4
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: Group Not Defined. Defaulting to EGID '998 5 118 982 998'
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Net::Server: User Not Defined. Defaulting to EUID '998'
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Amavis::Conf 2.412
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Archive::Zip 1.68
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.206
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Compress::Zlib 2.206
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA 0.33
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module DB_File 1.855
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Digest::MD5 2.58
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Digest::SHA 6.02
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Encode 3.08
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module File::LibMagic 1.23
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module File::Temp 0.2311
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module IO::Socket::IP 0.42
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module IO::Socket::SSL 2.083
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module MIME::Entity 5.510
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module MIME::Parser 5.510
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module MIME::Tools 5.510
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Mail::DKIM::Signer 1.20230911
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Mail::DKIM::Verifier 1.20230911
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Mail::Header 2.21
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Mail::Internet 2.21
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Mail::SPF v2.009
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Mail::SpamAssassin 4.000001
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Net::DNS 1.45
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Net::LDAP 0.68
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Net::LibIDN2 1.02
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Net::SSLeay 1.94
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Net::Server 2.014
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module NetAddr::IP 4.079
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Scalar::Util 1.55
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Socket 2.037
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Socket6 0.29
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Time::HiRes 1.9767
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module URI 5.21
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Module Unix::Syslog 1.1
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: SQL base code NOT loaded
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: SQL::Log code NOT loaded
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: SQL::Quarantine NOT loaded
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Lookup::SQL code NOT loaded
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Lookup::LDAP code loaded
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found $file at /usr/bin/file
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No $altermime, not using it
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Internal decoder for .mail
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .F, tried: unfreeze, freeze -d, melt, fcat
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .Z at /usr/bin/uncompress
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .gz at /usr/bin/gzip -d
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .bz2 at /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .xz at /usr/bin/xz -dc
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .lzma at /usr/bin/xz -dc --format=lzma
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .lrz, tried: lrzip -q -k -d -o -, lrzcat -q -k
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .lzo, tried: lzop -d
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .rpm, tried:, rpm2cpio
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .cpio at /usr/bin/pax
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .tar at /usr/bin/pax
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Found decoder for .deb at /usr/bin/ar
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .rar, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .arj, tried: unarj, arj
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .arc, tried: nomarch, arc
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .zoo, tried: zoo, unzoo
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .doc, tried: ripole
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .cab, tried: cabextract
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .tnef, tried: tnef
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Internal decoder for .tnef
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .zip, tried: 7za, 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .kmz, tried: 7za, 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Internal decoder for .zip
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Internal decoder for .kmz
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .7z, tried: 7zr, 7za, 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .7z, tried: 7za, 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .jar, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .arj, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .rar, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .swf, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .lha, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .iso, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .cab, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .rpm, tried: 7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No ext program for .exe, tried: 7z; lha; unarj, arj
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .7z
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .F
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .arc
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .arj
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .cab
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .doc
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .exe
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .iso
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .jar
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .lha
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .lrz
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .lzo
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .rar
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .rpm
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .swf
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: No decoder for .zoo
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-remote-stream
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: Using secondary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo amavis[42356]: initializing Mail::SpamAssassin (0)
Sep 9 03:25:06 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting antispam via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:07 carbo amavis[42356]: SpamControl: init_pre_fork on SpamAssassin done
Sep 9 03:25:07 carbo amavis[42356]: extra modules loaded after daemonizing/chrooting: /etc/perl/Net/libnet.cfg, Mail/DKIM/ARC/, Mail/DKIM/ARC/, Mail/DKIM/ARC/, Mail/SpamAssassin/Logger/, Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/, Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/, Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/, Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/, Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/, Net/, Net/, Net/
Sep 9 03:25:08 carbo sshd[42146]: Connection closed by port 39129 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:25:09 carbo slapd[40780]: slap_get_csn: conn=1007 op=7 generated new csn=20240909082509.138863Z#000000#000#000000 manage=1
Sep 9 03:25:09 carbo slapd[40780]: slap_queue_csn: queueing 0x7f0a0811e4b0 20240909082509.138863Z#000000#000#000000
Sep 9 03:25:09 carbo slapd[40780]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing 0x7f0a0811e4b0 20240909082509.138863Z#000000#000#000000
Sep 9 03:25:09 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting antivirus via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo clamd[42548]: Received 0 file descriptor(s) from systemd.
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo clamd[42548]: clamd daemon 1.0.6 (OS: Linux, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64)
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo clamd[42548]: Log file size limited to 20971520 bytes.
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo clamd[42548]: Reading databases from /opt/zextras/data/clamav/db
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo clamd[42548]: Not loading PUA signatures.
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo clamd[42548]: Bytecode: Security mode set to "TrustSigned".
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting opendkim via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo opendkim[42559]: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 starting (args: -x /opt/zextras/conf/opendkim.conf -u zextras)
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting mta via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42596] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42597] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42598] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42596] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder) after 0.0 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42597] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder) after 0.0 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [42598] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder) after 0.0 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo slapd[40780]: slap_get_csn: conn=1007 op=9 generated new csn=20240909082510.860213Z#000000#000#000000 manage=1
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo slapd[40780]: slap_queue_csn: queueing 0x7f0a0811f610 20240909082510.860213Z#000000#000#000000
Sep 9 03:25:10 carbo slapd[40780]: slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing 0x7f0a0811f610 20240909082510.860213Z#000000#000#000000
Sep 9 03:25:13 carbo saslauthd[42643]: : master pid is: 42643
Sep 9 03:25:13 carbo saslauthd[42643]: : listening on socket: /run/carbonio/mux
Sep 9 03:25:13 carbo /postfix-script[42659]: the Postfix mail system is not running
Sep 9 03:25:13 carbo /postfix-script[42743]: starting the Postfix mail system
Sep 9 03:25:13 carbo postfix/master[42745]: daemon started -- version 3.8.6, configuration /opt/zextras/common/conf
Sep 9 03:25:13 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting stats via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:14 carbo zimbramon[40371]: 40371:info: Starting service via zmcontrol
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:38502 to []:25
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:38502
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: sql_select option missing
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism available
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43031] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43032] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43033] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder
Sep 9 03:25:15 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43033] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder) after 0.2 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:16 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43031] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder) after 0.3 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:16 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43032] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder) after 0.5 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:17 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:38512 to []:25
Sep 9 03:25:17 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:38512
Sep 9 03:25:17 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:25:17 carbo sshd[42471]: Connection closed by port 39320 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:25:21 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:25:24 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43048] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43049] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43050] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:41014 to []:25
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:41014
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo sshd[43053]: Connection closed by port 42185 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43048] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder) after 15.6 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43049] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder) after 15.6 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43050] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder) after 15.2 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo clamd[42545]: Received 0 file descriptor(s) from systemd.
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo clamd[42545]: clamd daemon 1.0.6 (OS: Linux, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64)
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo clamd[42545]: Log file size limited to 20971520 bytes.
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo clamd[42545]: Reading databases from /opt/zextras/data/clamav/db
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo clamd[42545]: Not loading PUA signatures.
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo clamd[42545]: Bytecode: Security mode set to "TrustSigned".
Sep 9 03:25:36 carbo sshd[43044]: Connection closed by port 40239 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:25:38 carbo sshd[43066]: Accepted password for root from port 53824 ssh2
Sep 9 03:25:38 carbo systemd-logind[446]: New session 23 of user root.
Sep 9 03:25:44 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43110] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder
Sep 9 03:25:44 carbo sshd[43054]: Connection closed by port 42486 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:25:45 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43114] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder
Sep 9 03:25:47 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43115] started: /opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Fetching All configs
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:33004 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:33004
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo sshd[43117]: Received disconnect from port 32054:11: [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo sshd[43117]: Disconnected from port 32054 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43114] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder) after 25.9 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43110] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder) after 27.1 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Exceeded restart count, giving up on (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder)
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Exceeded restart count, giving up on (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder)
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo sshd[43120]: Connection closed by port 44947 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo sshd[43113]: Connection closed by port 42709 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:08 carbo sshd[43118]: Connection closed by port 43791 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:09 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All configs fetched in 0.33 seconds
Sep 9 03:26:09 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Process [43115] exited (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder) after 25.1 s: exit 2
Sep 9 03:26:09 carbo amavis-mc[42337]: Exceeded restart count, giving up on (/opt/zextras/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder)
Sep 9 03:26:09 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service amavis
Sep 9 03:26:09 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service amavis now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:38980 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:38980
Sep 9 03:26:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:26:15 carbo sshd[43139]: Connection closed by port 45545 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service antispam
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service antispam now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service antivirus
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service antivirus now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Command not defined for directory-server
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service directory-server
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service directory-server now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service mailbox
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo /postfix-script[43671]: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 42745
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service mailboxd
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service memcached
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service memcached now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo /postfix-script[43747]: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 42745
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service mta
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service mta now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service opendkim
Sep 9 03:26:18 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service opendkim now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service proxy
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service proxy now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:38992 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:38992
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service sasl
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service sasl now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service service
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Command not defined for service-discover
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service service-discover
Sep 9 03:26:19 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service service-discover now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:20 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service stats
Sep 9 03:26:20 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service stats now available for watchdog.
Sep 9 03:26:20 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: service antivirus status is OK.
Sep 9 03:26:20 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All rewrite threads completed in 0.02 sec
Sep 9 03:26:20 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All restarts completed in 0.00 sec
Sep 9 03:26:22 carbo sshd[43476]: Invalid user nagios from port 45705
Sep 9 03:26:23 carbo sshd[43476]: Connection closed by invalid user nagios port 45705 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:26 carbo clamd[42545]: Loaded 8698357 signatures.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:42746 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:42746
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: TCP: Bound to [localhost]:3310
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: TCP: Setting connection queue length to 200
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: LOCAL: Removing stale socket file /run/carbonio/clamd.socket
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: LOCAL: Unix socket file /run/carbonio/clamd.socket
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: LOCAL: Setting connection queue length to 200
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: Global time limit set to 120000 milliseconds.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: Global size limit set to 10240000 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: File size limit set to 10240000 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: Recursion level limit set to 17.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: Files limit set to 10000.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxEmbeddedPE limit set to 41943040 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxHTMLNormalize limit set to 41943040 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxHTMLNoTags limit set to 8388608 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxScriptNormalize limit set to 20971520 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxZipTypeRcg limit set to 1048576 bytes.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxPartitions limit set to 50.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxIconsPE limit set to 100.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: MaxRecHWP3 limit set to 16.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: PCREMatchLimit limit set to 100000.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: PCRERecMatchLimit limit set to 2000.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Limits: PCREMaxFileSize limit set to 104857600.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Archive support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Alerting of encrypted archives enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: AlertExceedsMax heuristic detection disabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Heuristic alerts enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Portable Executable support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: ELF support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Mail files support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: OLE2 support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: PDF support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: SWF support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: HTML support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: XMLDOCS support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: HWP3 support enabled.
Sep 9 03:26:29 carbo clamd[42545]: Self checking every 600 seconds.
Sep 9 03:26:30 carbo sshd[43888]: Connection closed by port 45856 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:39 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:37910 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:39 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:37910
Sep 9 03:26:39 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:39 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:39 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:26:42 carbo sshd[43983]: Connection closed by port 47825 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:49 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:56308 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:49 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:56308
Sep 9 03:26:49 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:49 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:49 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:26:53 carbo sshd[44029]: Failed password for root from port 12277 ssh2
Sep 9 03:26:56 carbo sshd[44007]: Connection closed by port 50026 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:26:57 carbo sshd[44029]: Failed password for root from port 12277 ssh2
Sep 9 03:26:59 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:49346 to []:25
Sep 9 03:26:59 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:49346
Sep 9 03:26:59 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:59 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:26:59 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:27:01 carbo sshd[44029]: Failed password for root from port 12277 ssh2
Sep 9 03:27:03 carbo sshd[44029]: Received disconnect from port 12277:11: [preauth]
Sep 9 03:27:03 carbo sshd[44029]: Disconnected from authenticating user root port 12277 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:27:04 carbo sshd[44039]: Connection closed by port 51995 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:27:09 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:36960 to []:25
Sep 9 03:27:09 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:36960
Sep 9 03:27:09 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:09 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:09 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:27:12 carbo sshd[44074]: Connection closed by port 52168 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:27:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:49670 to []:25
Sep 9 03:27:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:49670
Sep 9 03:27:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:27:19 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:49680 to []:25
Sep 9 03:27:19 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:49680
Sep 9 03:27:19 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:19 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:19 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:27:19 carbo su: (to zextras) root on pts/0
Sep 9 03:27:20 carbo sshd[44126]: Connection closed by port 52309 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:27:20 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Fetching All configs
Sep 9 03:27:21 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All configs fetched in 0.05 seconds
Sep 9 03:27:29 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:52344 to []:25
Sep 9 03:27:29 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:52344
Sep 9 03:27:30 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:53 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:27:53 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:27:54 carbo /postfix-script[44477]: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 42745
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Service status change: antivirus changed from running to stopped
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Command not defined for directory-server
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service mailbox
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service mailboxd
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo /postfix-script[44603]: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 42745
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Tracking service service
Sep 9 03:27:55 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Command not defined for service-discover
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: Watchdog: adding antivirus to restart list
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All rewrite threads completed in 0.00 sec
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: controlProcess antivirus restart (-1)
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: CONTROL antivirus: bin/zmclamdctl restart norewrite
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: antivirus restart initiated from zmconfigd
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo clamd[44677]: Received 0 file descriptor(s) from systemd.
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo clamd[44677]: clamd daemon 1.0.6 (OS: Linux, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64)
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo clamd[44677]: Log file size limited to 20971520 bytes.
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo clamd[44677]: Reading databases from /opt/zextras/data/clamav/db
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo clamd[44677]: Not loading PUA signatures.
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo zmconfigd[40798]: All restarts completed in 0.05 sec
Sep 9 03:27:56 carbo clamd[44677]: Bytecode: Security mode set to "TrustSigned".
Sep 9 03:27:57 carbo sshd[44389]: Failed password for root from port 41803 ssh2
Sep 9 03:28:00 carbo sshd[44389]: Failed password for root from port 41803 ssh2
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo sshd[44389]: Failed password for root from port 41803 ssh2
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo sshd[44389]: Received disconnect from port 41803:11: [preauth]
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo sshd[44389]: Disconnected from authenticating user root port 41803 [preauth]
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:48606 to []:25
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:48606
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:28:03 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:28:05 carbo /postfix-script[44913]: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 42745
Sep 9 03:28:09 carbo clamd[44677]: Loaded 8698357 signatures.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: TCP: Bound to [localhost]:3310
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: TCP: Setting connection queue length to 200
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: LOCAL: Removing stale socket file /run/carbonio/clamd.socket
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: LOCAL: Unix socket file /run/carbonio/clamd.socket
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: LOCAL: Setting connection queue length to 200
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: Global time limit set to 120000 milliseconds.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: Global size limit set to 10240000 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: File size limit set to 10240000 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: Recursion level limit set to 17.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: Files limit set to 10000.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxEmbeddedPE limit set to 41943040 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxHTMLNormalize limit set to 41943040 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxHTMLNoTags limit set to 8388608 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxScriptNormalize limit set to 20971520 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxZipTypeRcg limit set to 1048576 bytes.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxPartitions limit set to 50.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxIconsPE limit set to 100.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: MaxRecHWP3 limit set to 16.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: PCREMatchLimit limit set to 100000.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: PCRERecMatchLimit limit set to 2000.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Limits: PCREMaxFileSize limit set to 104857600.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Archive support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Alerting of encrypted archives enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: AlertExceedsMax heuristic detection disabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Heuristic alerts enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Portable Executable support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: ELF support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Mail files support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: OLE2 support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: PDF support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: SWF support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: HTML support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: XMLDOCS support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: HWP3 support enabled.
Sep 9 03:28:12 carbo clamd[44677]: Self checking every 600 seconds.
Sep 9 03:28:13 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:55360 to []:25
Sep 9 03:28:13 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:55360
Sep 9 03:28:13 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:28:13 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:28:13 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0
Sep 9 03:28:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: CONNECT from []:55364 to []:25
Sep 9 03:28:15 carbo postfix/postscreen[43019]: ALLOWLISTED []:55364
Sep 9 03:28:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: connect from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:28:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
Sep 9 03:28:15 carbo postfix/smtpd[43021]: disconnect from localhost[] commands=0/0

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by julianodls

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 563


What is the current status of:

zmcontrol status



Joined: 2 weeks ago
Posts: 5
Topic starter  

Verified that server LOAD is hitting 100% usage, server is new test installation


top - 03:33:18 up 34 min, 2 users, load average: 27.66, 18.48, 11.68 Tasks: 283 total, 2 running, 255 sleeping, 0 stopped, 26 zombie top - 03:33:41 up 34 min, 2 users, load average: 41.55, 22.35, 13.14 Tasks: 300 total, 3 running, 271 sleeping, 0 stopped, 26 zombie %Cpu(s): 86.7 us, 13.3 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 5920.4 total, 117.2 free, 5411.5 used, 391.7 buff/cache MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 95.0 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 47697 zextras 20 0 545164 485644 2188 R 89.1 8.0 0:04.58 /opt/zextras/common/sbin/clamd --config-file=/opt/zextras/conf/clamd.conf 47792 zextras 20 0 4478292 67364 13316 S 26.6 1.1 0:02.51 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47808 zextras 20 0 4478292 70100 10928 S 25.0 1.2 0:02.03 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47878 zextras 20 0 4478292 73140 13148 S 25.0 1.2 0:01.96 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47797 zextras 20 0 4478292 65900 12112 S 23.4 1.1 0:01.95 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47794 zextras 20 0 4478292 64520 11388 S 21.9 1.1 0:02.10 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47795 zextras 20 0 4478292 67208 11812 S 21.9 1.1 0:02.12 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47847 zextras 20 0 4478292 70440 12036 S 21.9 1.2 0:02.06 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47835 zextras 20 0 4411668 66072 13256 S 21.1 1.1 0:01.36 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47855 zextras 20 0 4411668 59352 9944 S 21.1 1.0 0:02.03 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 48013 zextras 20 0 4412692 63884 11120 S 21.1 1.1 0:01.94 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47810 zextras 20 0 4478292 62640 8780 S 18.0 1.0 0:02.23 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 47798 zextras 20 0 4478292 63604 12004 S 16.4 1.0 0:02.14 /opt/zextras/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zextras/lib/jars/* -Djava.library.path=/opt/zextras/lib -Dzimbra.home=+ 105 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 5.5 0.0 1:47.04 [kswapd0] 4346 carboni+ 20 0 1241644 13892 6796 S 1.6 0.2 0:03.84 /usr/bin/carbonio-prometheus-node-exporter /opt/zextras/zmstat/prometheus/ 26931 carboni+ 20 0 151468 47932 2024 S 1.6 0.8 0:12.12 /usr/bin/python3 /opt/zextras/common/local/bin/gunicorn app.controller:app --config /opt/zextras/common/lib/python3.+ 22282 service+ 20 0 2258484 88532 12548 S 0.8 1.5 0:59.93 /usr/bin/consul agent -bootstrap-expect 1 -config-dir /etc/zextras/service-discover/ -server -retry-join=carbo.seuem+ 22782 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 18652 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:11.33 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f3850bea52c7ea-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 24236 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 15504 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:08.82 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f3850da5d6d1d5-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 24986 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 15832 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:11.11 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f3850e3b4a1f17-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 25449 carboni+ 20 0 2609572 134792 60300 S 0.8 2.2 0:37.63 /opt/zextras/common/lib/erlang/erts- -W w -MBas ageffcbf -MHas ageffcbf -MBlmbcs 512 -MHlmbcs 5+ 26256 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 17140 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:11.53 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f385110f737a5c-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 26403 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 17512 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:12.05 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f3851139be62cf-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 26689 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 17952 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:12.01 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f3851173ed327a-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 26825 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 16952 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:12.03 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f385119bcd2758-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 28967 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 15104 0 S 0.8 0.2 0:09.07 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f38515bd27474a-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 28986 carboni+ 20 0 2290248 15400 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:11.03 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f38515c01c08c0-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 29828 videose+ 20 0 2290248 16672 0 S 0.8 0.3 0:13.02 /usr/bin/envoy --config-path /tmp/envoy-17f38518e3daa184-bootstrap.json --disable-hot-restart 30700 carboni+ 20 0 2608652 114104 31472 S 0.8 1.9 0:12.54 /opt/zextras/common/lib/mongooseim/erts- -Bd -C multi_time_warp -- -root /opt/zextras/common/li+ 30726 videose+ 10 -10 2445392 3584 0 S 0.8 0.1 0:05.44 /opt/zextras/common/bin/janus 42784 zextras 20 0 13892 5892 0 S 0.8 0.1 0:05.65 /usr/bin/perl -w /opt/zextras/libexec/zmstat-df 48057 root 20 0 10700 2504 1536 R 0.8 0.0 0:00.25 top

Joined: 2 weeks ago
Posts: 5
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zextras@carbo:/root$ zmcontrol status
amavis Running
antispam Running
antivirus Stopped
zmclamdctl is not running
directory-server Running
mailbox Stopped
zmmailboxdctl is not running.
memcached Running
mta Running
opendkim Running
proxy Running
service webapp Stopped
zmmailboxdctl is not running.
service-discover Running
stats Running
config service Running
