Hello guys.
First of all thanks for this amazing tool called ZxMig
Well I have a problem using ZxMig to export the data and using ZxBackup to import the backup, it's taking too long check the following data:
zimbra@celebrimor3:/root$ zxsuite backup getAllOperations
name ExternalRestore
descName External Restore
id c9d8dab9-d3a0-49a7-afa2-1c718631834e
state started
host celebrimor3.adsender.spc
startTime 17/01/2014 18:09:04 CET
And when I try to monitor the progress it seems to be a loop:
zimbra@celebrimor3:/root$ zxsuite backup monitor c9d8dab9-d3a0-49a7-afa2-1c718631834e
Operation log path: /opt/zimbra/log/zextras_ZxBackup_ExternalRestore_c9d8dab9-d3a0-49a7-afa2-1c718631834e.log
Warnings/Errors: 76/0
Restored Accounts(only attributes): 148/148
Restored Accounts(common items): 69/148
Restored Accounts(only shared & datasources): 0/148
Current Account: username@mydomain.com
Restored/Skipped Items: 662000/386
Unrestored Items: 40
It started on 17/01/2014 and it still running. The size of the data is not so big.
thank you.