Hello ZeXtras,
I've installed zextras in a client's zimbra NE server a week ago and everything seemed fine until today when a user deleted all the inbox with zimbra outlook connector. I can see the delete requests in the terminal:
2013-07-11 15:44:47,165 INFO [qtp802487384-100428: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] soap - ItemActionRequest elapsed=421
2013-07-11 15:44:47,258 INFO [qtp802487384-100430: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] soap - ItemActionRequest elapsed=86
2013-07-11 15:44:47,265 INFO [qtp802487384-100428: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] mailop - Deleting Message (id=19159).
2013-07-11 15:44:47,443 INFO [qtp802487384-100428: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] soap - MsgActionRequest elapsed=179
If I restore with zextras with a 24 hour period I get emails from may, today and some even from 2012. I also tried restoring on a new account on a period from date dating two days ago and I get emails dating a year ago and stuff from may. The server always had real time scanner on.
Zimbra Version: Release 8.0.3.GA.5664.UBUNTU12.64 UBUNTU12_64 NETWORK edition.
ZeXtras Version: 1.8.4
ZeXtras undelete report:
This is an automated notification from ZxBackup about Undelete. Operation Undelete Completed. Operation Id: 5ff1e1a7-839c-4eb5-b5b5-392b1b276981 Operation Host: mail.domain.com Operation requested by: admin@domain.com ZeXtras Version: 1.8.4 ZeXtras commit: aac512529e2dd44a0bee562a5b3a8f7089aed18f Zimbra version: 8.0.3_GA_5664 20130305090212 20130305-0907 NETWORK Account: user@domain.com Start date: 10/07/2013 00:00:00 End date: 12/07/2013 23:59:59 Additional notifications: [admin@domain.com] - parameters - account: user@domain.com start date: 10/07/2013 00:00:00 end date: 12/07/2013 23:59:59 additional notification mails: None - stats - items restored: 127
Here is a screenshot of the stuff restored: http://oi42.tinypic.com/2vulwle.jpg
Is zextras not supported by Network Edition?
2013-07-11 15:44:47,165 INFO [qtp802487384-100428: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] soap - ItemActionRequest elapsed=421
2013-07-11 15:44:47,258 INFO [qtp802487384-100430: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] soap - ItemActionRequest elapsed=86
2013-07-11 15:44:47,265 INFO [qtp802487384-100428: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] mailop - Deleting Message (id=19159).
2013-07-11 15:44:47,443 INFO [qtp802487384-100428: ] [name=user@domain.com;mid=20;ip=;ua=ZimbraConnectorForOutlook/;] soap - MsgActionRequest elapsed=179
If I restore with zextras with a 24 hour period I get emails from may, today and some even from 2012. I also tried restoring on a new account on a period from date dating two days ago and I get emails dating a year ago and stuff from may. The server always had real time scanner on.
Zimbra Version: Release 8.0.3.GA.5664.UBUNTU12.64 UBUNTU12_64 NETWORK edition.
ZeXtras Version: 1.8.4
ZeXtras undelete report:
This is an automated notification from ZxBackup about Undelete.
Operation Undelete Completed.
Operation Id: 5ff1e1a7-839c-4eb5-b5b5-392b1b276981
Operation Host: mail.domain.com
Operation requested by: admin@domain.com
ZeXtras Version: 1.8.4
ZeXtras commit: aac512529e2dd44a0bee562a5b3a8f7089aed18f
Zimbra version: 8.0.3_GA_5664 20130305090212 20130305-0907 NETWORK
Account: user@domain.com
Start date: 10/07/2013 00:00:00
End date: 12/07/2013 23:59:59
Additional notifications: [admin@domain.com]
- parameters -
account: user@domain.com
start date: 10/07/2013 00:00:00
end date: 12/07/2013 23:59:59
additional notification mails: None
- stats -
items restored: 127
Here is a screenshot of the stuff restored:
Is zextras not supported by Network Edition?
This is an automated notification from ZxBackup about Undelete.
Operation Undelete Completed.
Operation Id: 5ff1e1a7-839c-4eb5-b5b5-392b1b276981
Operation Host: mail.domain.com
Operation requested by: admin@domain.com
ZeXtras Version: 1.8.4
ZeXtras commit: aac512529e2dd44a0bee562a5b3a8f7089aed18f
Zimbra version: 8.0.3_GA_5664 20130305090212 20130305-0907 NETWORK
Account: user@domain.com
Start date: 10/07/2013 00:00:00
End date: 12/07/2013 23:59:59
Additional notifications: [admin@domain.com]
- parameters -
account: user@domain.com
start date: 10/07/2013 00:00:00
end date: 12/07/2013 23:59:59
additional notification mails: None
- stats -
items restored: 127
Here is a screenshot of the stuff restored:
Is zextras not supported by Network Edition?