Output from import is below. Importing 5976 items but failing to import 9626 items is not success; it is failure.
Today, 9:45 AM - Information: ZeXtras ZxBackup Notification, External Restore completed.
This is an automated notification from ZxBackup about External Restore.
Operation External Restore Completed.
Operation Id: f769506e-6db6-4465-902b-f99b5a743659
Operation Host: zimbra-hollis-15.oaktreepeak.com
Operation Log path: /opt/zimbra/log/zextras_ZxBackup_ExternalRestore_f769506e-6db6-4465-902b-f99b5a743659.log
Operation Start Time: 15/03/2015 09:42:04
Operation Duration: 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Operation requested by: admin@oaktreepeak.com
ZeXtras Version: 1.10.3
ZeXtras commit: 208fdd4f3c8caa453af298c643dcf19ce42d5ca7
Zal Version: 1.5.2
Zal commit: 5fa7c70acf715a78c825bdac8babbe223627b40b
Zimbra version: 8.6.0_GA_1153 20141215151116 20141215-1518 FOSS
Warning: the following admin accounts have been restored: rb@silverspore.com, admin@oaktreepeak.com, rb@oaktreepeak.com, admin@silverspore.com
Warning: ZeXtras Backup detected a potential issue with the following items (digest mismatch).
Account janett@oaktreepeak.com, items id: 61890
While such items have been restored, a manual check is highly suggested in order to verify the correctness of the items themselves .
Warnings: 0
Errors: 0
- stats -
Restored Items: 5976
Skipped Items: 20
Unrestored Items: 9626