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Skip Restore shared & datasources and incremental restore

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Posts: 16
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I am using ZeXtras Backup Smartscan for take backup from old Zimbra. All data has been backup and perform restore on new Zimbra for the first time. When i am try to restore for the second or the third, restore process take a long time (same as the first time), especially on restore shared & resources. The following is the process

Operation log path: /opt/zimbra/log/op_ExternalRestore_ee1b2b9e-0f2c-435f-82d1-8e0a15299259.log
Warnings/Errors: 0/1
Restored Accounts(only attributes): 4154/4154
Restored Accounts(common items): 4154/4154
Restored Accounts(only shared & datasources): 1077/4154

My question are :
- Is there a way to skip restore shared & datasources?
- Is there a way to restore only new data without checking old data (skipped item) like the below?

2017-12-04 12:53:50,060 rusli@mydomain DEBUG Skipped item 9339 because it's already mapped
2017-12-04 12:53:50,073 rusli@mydomain DEBUG Restoring item 9340

I am try to check commands from zxsuite backup and found doRestoreOnNewAccount that have ability to restore by range ("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"). However, it should restore on the new account. Are you have any clue?


Operation log path:                           /opt/zimbra/log/op_ExternalRestore_ee1b2b9e-0f2c-435f-82d1-8e0a15299259.log
Warnings/Errors: 0/1
Restored Accounts(only attributes): 4154/4154
Restored Accounts(common items): 4154/4154
Restored Accounts(only shared & datasources): 1077/4154

My question are :
- Is there a way to skip restore shared & datasources?
- Is there a way to restore only new data without checking old data (skipped item) like the below?
2017-12-04 12:53:50,060 rusli@mydomain DEBUG Skipped item 9339 because it's already mapped
2017-12-04 12:53:50,073 rusli@mydomain DEBUG Restoring item 9340

I am try to check commands from zxsuite backup and found doRestoreOnNewAccount that have ability to restore by range ("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"). However, it should restore on the new account. Are you have any clue?


2017-12-04 12:53:50,060 rusli@mydomain DEBUG Skipped item 9339 because it's already mapped
2017-12-04 12:53:50,073 rusli@mydomain DEBUG Restoring item 9340

I am try to check commands from zxsuite backup and found doRestoreOnNewAccount that have ability to restore by range ("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"). However, it should restore on the new account. Are you have any clue?


Posted : 12/04/2017 12:39