Smart Scan failed d...
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Smart Scan failed due to shared filesystem

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Posts: 5
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I am receiving a notification:

ZeXtras ZxBackup Notification, Smart Scan failed. From server
Operation Id: 0f291c68-28ce-4c3f-8dc0-2de2a26f31d9
Operation Host:
Scheduled operation

ZeXtras Version: 1.10.1
ZeXtras commit: 3441446ac7c333aeab45c74246f32a43ef022530
ZAL Version: 1.5.1
ZAL commit: 3441446ac7c333aeab45c74246f32a43ef022530
Zimbra version: 8.5.1_GA_3056 20141103151510 20141103-1530 FOSS

-- exceptions --
- Backup path: /opt/zimbra/backup/zextras/ is already used by another server, please don't use shared filesystem for backup
Last progress info:
Account scanned: 0/??
Account updated/new: 0/0
Item scanned: 0
Item updated/new/unique: 0/0/0

My /opt/zimbra/backup/zextras/ is not used by any other server so I don't really understand why this is happening. I looked around the forum but did not find a similar posting. Have I configured something wrong?

FWIW, there is no problem saving the Customizations in the same path.

This is an automated notification from ZxBackup about Backup Server Customizations.

Operation Backup Server Customizations Completed.

Operation Id: c9142b5b-07a2-4bd3-ab23-f4915a050d00
Operation Host:
Operation Start Time: 08/01/2015 04:01:00
Operation Duration: 1 second
Scheduled operation

ZeXtras Version: 1.10.1
ZeXtras commit: 3441446ac7c333aeab45c74246f32a43ef022530
ZAL Version: 1.5.1
ZAL commit: 3441446ac7c333aeab45c74246f32a43ef022530
Zimbra version: 8.5.1_GA_3056 20141103151510 20141103-1530 FOSS

Server Customizations backup path: /opt/zimbra/backup/zextras//server/customizations_08_01_15#04_01_00.tar.gz

Attached also my configuration setup.


Posted : 01/09/2015 18:52