ZeXtras ZxBackup fa...
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ZeXtras ZxBackup failed.

1 Posts
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Hello, Some of the accounts are not getting restored and here is a log for one of them:

Warnings: 1
Errors: 1

- stats -
Restored Items: 15
Skipped Items: 850
Unrestored Items: 0

- ignored ldap attributes -
zimbraDomainType, zimbraId, zimbraCreateTimestamp, zimbraDomainName

- notes -
domain mydomain.com: cannot resolve COS Id: using default

- debug info -
-- parameters --
onlyProvisioning = false
restoreChatBuddies = true
filterDeleteAccount = true
obeyHSM = false
humanDate = last available
OpStartTime = 1381376185284
origin = SOAP => ZxLink
skipCos = false
date = null
skipAliases = false
domainNameList = mydomain.com
skipDistList = false
dataPath = /nima/export/export
notificationeMails = nigyel@mydomain.com,admin@mydomain.com
accountNameList = chencho@mydomain.com
skipSystemAccount = true
-- context --
numAccountsRestoredPhase3 = 1
numAccountsRestoredPhase2 = 1
numAccountsRestoredPhase1 = 1
numItemsRestored = 15
numItemsSkipped = 850
lastAccountId = dc3641fe-1705-4557-83ae-1a1d79c03498
lastFakeItemId = 16
warningCount = 1
errorCount = 1
zContext = com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext@3c90be69
restored_hack_7_8_list = null
extMap = com.zextras.backup.ZEBackupExtMap@42c4fe8f
currentAccount = chencho@mydomain.com
ignoredLdapAttributes = zimbraDomainType, zimbraId, zimbraCreateTimestamp, zimbraDomainName
backup_version = 6.0.9
usedCOSList =
notes = domain mydomain.com: cannot resolve COS Id: using default

completed = 1
numTotalAccounts = 1
tag_to_rename = null

Please help...

Posted : 10/10/2013 05:51