XMPP Support?
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XMPP Support?

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Thanks to all the crew at ZeXtras for producing such an awesome product, the migration tools really made the migrating process from 6 to 8 smooth :-)

We were initially very sad to see the IM facility had been removed on V8, but there was a ray of hope when we saw the ZXChat plug in

It's really cool and all the webmail users like it a lot.

We have a few users here that use external clients like eMclient (for email/calender/IM), Pidgin, and Trillian for the IM via the XMPP interface that Zimbra 6 provided, I noted that the wiki page for ZXChat mentioned that XMPP support for external clients was due shortly.

As this feature is really important to us is there any ETA on when this will be available?

Would a donation help speed this development up?

Thanks again for a superb product!

Posted : 05/08/2013 17:38