Hi i just installed zextras suite on my zimbra 8.6.0 community edition server, i enabled the zxmobile for all users but am having issues setting up the exchange account on my ipad
here are the details of my server
i have ldap setup pointing towards my ad dc
hostname tin-exc-1
mx: mail.tingateitsolutions.com.au
a record (pointing to my wan ip)
I have no issues with mail flow or accessing webmail internally or externally and have the following ports open
all pointing towards the ip of my server
but when i try to setup the exchange account with the following details
server: mail.tingateitsolutions.com.au
domain: tingateit
username steven
but when i try to setup it said unable to verify account information
i have tried multiple accounts, but same error
i know it is right because i can login to webmail
Is somebody able to assist ?
if you need access to my server let me know and i can organise