Last seen: 10/18/2024 14:38
root@myserver:/tmp# systemctl status carbonio-* ● carbonio-docs-editor-sidecar.service - Carbonio Docs server sidecar proxy Loaded: loaded (/li...
Can anyone help me please! I have a lot of mailboxes there and now everyone wants to shut my head off..
The versions are these: Carbonio Carbonio Release 24.9.0 Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
I was looking the logs while trying to start the services with zmcontrol start and this is what it shows: Oct 15 19:57:22 myserver zimbramon[2810]: ...
@sharif Working for 24 hours after the upgrade.. Thanks a lot for your support and help my friend!!
@sharif Great my friend, here is the result. The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: carbonio-libmilter car...
@sharif I've been trying to update the version but looks like it's not available yet.. root@:~# apt updateHit:1focal-security InReleaseHit:2focal In...
@sharif Hi friend. Here is the information you have requested: 1. What OS you are using? NAME="Ubuntu"VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"ID=ubun...
I took this information from the file /var/log/syslog at the time services were stopped and this is the information that the system reported: Aug 12...
@rgering Not to me, that's why I'm looking for help..
This is the output of xmcontrol status when the services are down, then I run the command zmmailboxdctl start, the service starts and everything start...
@rgering Thanks for your reply. No message that can give me some information is shown on mailbox.log, I'm going to try to explain.. mailbox.log al...
I'm facing the same error and still not able to keep that service alive since last update.. Nobody can't tell me what's happening. If you find som...