Last seen: 01/19/2025 00:00
I also have 12 Zombie processes that occurred after the server was running for a week or so: root@mail:~# ps aux | egrep "Z|defunct" USER P...
Check out the update section of my guide for a working process including how to find the DB_AMD_PWD.
I agree with Anahuac - Ubuntu for me too. It's a well maintained os with lots of info if you have questions 😎
@jolmir Try this revised conf: [DEFAULT] # "ignoreip" can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host. Fail2ban will not # ban a host which matche...
For anyone else having issues with an incorrect or forgotten postgres password on upgrade here is how to reset it as root: sudo -u postgres psql po...
@anahuac I used: apt update && apt upgrade --fix-broken
How do I reset my PGPASSWORD as in PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-files-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
@jolmir I have used F2B for the 20+ years I have run Zimbra servers and I find it work well at stopping brute force attempts and account lockouts. Her...
@jolmir I would think it should work because it only acts on traffic that arrives at the private IP of your server so the proxy shouldn't affect it.
@anahuac How should I upgrade? Do I copy over the new folder and run the installer again?
I know this post is old but for others searching for this topic here ya go! Install firewall: root@mail:$ ufw status root@mail:$ ufw allow ssh r...
Be warned! cmbackup broke LDAP when I tried to restore an account on my test system (which is widely reported in Issues · lucascbeyeler/zmbackup (gith...
@anahuac Nope, that was the article I was referencing from the beginning.