Last seen: 01/23/2025 10:33
@blazer79 @phix Hi, I tested this on the latest release Carbonio 24.12.1 and found DKIM is signed properly and also verified the signature from th...
@jppo Hi, In some occasion, Carbonio Mesh can not correctly communicate with rabbitmq due to an invalid token. have you tried this: regards,
@ssanisaca Hi, You need to use the local IP address in this prompt. But make sure all the necessary forwarding/mapping are done. For your refere...
@alexmanafan Hi, You can find all the attributes here: root@mail:~# cat /opt/zextras/conf/attrs/attrs.xml And root@mail:~# cat /opt/zextra...
@jppo @perez54 Hi, Could you please share the latest logs ? Regards
@blazer79 @phix Hi, Just confirm me followings and I will test it: You created the DKIM key using: /opt/zextras/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -a -d...
@y-morad Hi, Right now, Arabic is not in the available languages list. You can find the available languages list here: If you want to cont...
@sistemak-imh Hi, I do not have any update on this at this moment. Therefore I would request you to use the "ADD INLINE IMAGE" until we have any ...
@jitesh Hi, Add your third-party Veeam server address to the trusted network by following: You can do it from Admin GUI. From CLI: carbon...
@erik Happy New Year ahead to you all of your loved ones 🎉😊
@jitesh Hi, Could you please share the following details: Issue Description (Short) Server OS Carbonio CE version Output: su - zextras ...
@erik You can check this FAN Made Script: (Even modify it) Where you can use the script to install upto tasks/files automatically then for workst...
@mik Hi, Thank you so much for your trust, kind words and useful feedback.🙏 We can understand your concern. That's why we brought two d...
@victor-moretto @dosnso Hi, Could you please provide following information: # su - zextras -c "zmcontrol -v && zmcontrol status" # su...
@in84 Sure, From Admin panel go to MTA > Single Server > Select Your Server > General From CLI: root@mail:~# su - zextras -c "postc...