Joined: 06/16/2021 11:50
Last seen: 06/23/2021 14:03
Topics: 1 / Replies: 3
RE: Zx Team did not connect to Zimbra Connect (iOS and Android)

@matt Hello Matt, Sorry, that didn't work here. I have set the following settings (anonymized): [zimbra@mail ~]$ for dom in $(zmprov gad); d...

4 years ago
RE: Zx Team did not connect to Zimbra Connect (iOS and Android)

@matt Thank you for this valuable tip. I see at least with the 1st command that there seems to be a misconfiguration there. I will fix this tonigh...

4 years ago
RE: Zx Team did not connect to Zimbra Connect (iOS and Android)

@dominix We use Zimbra as groupware and currently RocketChat as a collaboration tool. The idea was to turn 2 applications into one. Since Zimbra/Syn...

4 years ago