How To Deploy a Collaborative Private E-mail Server Carbonio Community Edition for Free Using Ubuntu 22.04LTS | Carbonio CE

Integrating Carbonio Community Edition (CE) with Ubuntu 22.04LTS represents a game-changer for open-source email and collaboration platforms. This partnership brings unmatched stability and performance optimization, making Carbonio CE more accessible...

Multi-server Installation on RHEL 8 – Carbonio Community Edition | Carbonio CE

Previously, we talked about how to implement a single-server installation of Carbonio on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, but this option is more suitable for testing than for a full-fledged...

Mastering The Upgrade Process Of Carbonio Community Edition Email Server | Carbonio CE

In this article, we will discuss the up-gradation process of Carbonio CE email server. You can find all information mentioned here in the official documentation page. Up-gradation is a critical...

How To Deploy a Private E-mail Server for Free Using Zextras Carbonio Community Edition On AlmaLinux 8.7 (Stone Smilodon)| Carbonio CE

As of now, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, and Debian are not officially supported operating systems (OS) for Carbonio CE. Installation on Debian is strongly discouraged due to potential compatibility issues. It's advised to utilize officially supported...

How To Deploy a Private E-mail Server for Free Using Zextras Carbonio Community Edition On Rocky Linux 8.7 (Green Obsidian) | Carbonio CE

As of now, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, and Debian are not officially supported operating systems (OS) for Carbonio CE. Installation on Debian is strongly discouraged due to potential compatibility issues. It's advised to utilize officially supported...

How To Deploy a Private E-mail Server for Free Using Zextras Carbonio Community Edition On RHEL8 | Carbonio CE

The article has been updated to be compatible with Carbonio CE Release 23.12.0, 24.1.0 Carbonio CE is an emerging email solution platform keeping digital sovereignty in mind. In 2022, digital...