Is chat function re...
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Is chat function ready now?or not yet?

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Joined: 3 years ago
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I want to know that chats are now available or not.

If not, when will we be able to use it? 

Joined: 3 years ago
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I received e-mail from Zextras Sales Team.

According to that, it is not planned to make that Chats is available in the future.oops.

But looking at web-site below.

Open Source E-mail and Collaboration | Carbonio CE | Zextras


We are apt to misunderstand chats will be available.

I hear that New version Carbonio seems to be released on 30 May.

With that, it is lucky for CE ver. to have Chats.I hope... 

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 380
Posted by: @funifuni

I received e-mail from Zextras Sales Team.

According to that, it is not planned to make that Chats is available in the future.oops.

But looking at web-site below.

Open Source E-mail and Collaboration | Carbonio CE | Zextras


We are apt to misunderstand chats will be available.

I hear that New version Carbonio seems to be released on 30 May.

With that, it is lucky for CE ver. to have Chats.I hope... 


The Chats for Carbonio CE will be available at the end of the year.

Joined: 3 years ago
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I have received e-mail from Sale Team again.According to it,

It has been confirmed that the chats feature is not available now and probably it will be available by the end of the year.

Thank you for correction.
