New documentation s...
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New documentation site

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Joined: 3 years ago
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Hi all,

As some of you already noticed, the documentation on has a different layout sice the last release. Indeed, we implemented a new theme with the goal to improve the browsing experience and the content organisation. In the next release, 23.12, we've gone one step beyond and you will find a new installation process, based on Roles and not on nodes.

The installation of each Role is atomic and will not change over time, we will provide over the next releases a couple of installation scenarios designed for different use-cases

We have put consistent efforts in this process and, while we carefully checked everything, I am confident I made some mistake and probably there will be something to fix.

In case you want to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions on the new documentation, you can either use this discussion or open issues on the github repository. With the new release, you will also have the possibility to participate to a short survey (4 or 5 question), using a link that will be shown on the documentation.

We hope you enjoy the new site!

The documentation team

anahuac reacted