Hello, when creating a task in webmail, the data is filled in and when saving, the window closes and the created task does not appear.
This happens with Carbonio CE 23.11 and Ubuntu 20.04.
Please bootstrap the task db by executing the following command and after restarting services check again:
# PGPASSWORD=$DB_ADM_PWD carbonio-tasks-db-bootstrap carbonio_adm
Please let us know how it went?
Thanks and regards,
@sharif No, I had already done it, but I still did it again to be sure, this does not fix the problem, when you click on the Save button, the window simply closes but does not save the task.
Merry Christmas.
Could you please let us knw the output of these commands:
root@mail:~# systemctl list-units carbonio*
root@mail:~# apt-cache policy carbonio-tasks*
Thanks and regards,
Merry Christmas.
Could you please let us knw the output of these commands:
root@mail:~# systemctl list-units carbonio*
root@mail:~# apt-cache policy carbonio-tasks*
For 23.11.0, I made a made a video here, just to be sure you can take a look at it. After creating that video tasks was working properly.
Thanks and regards,
@sharif Hello, Merry Christmas too.
The result is:
UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION carbonio-clamav-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio clamav sidecar proxy carbonio-clamav-signature-provider-sidecar.service loaded active running NGINX Carbonio ClamAV signature provider sidecar carbonio-docs-connector-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio docs connector sidecar proxy carbonio-docs-connector.service loaded active running Carbonio docs connector daemon carbonio-docs-editor-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio Docs server sidecar proxy carbonio-docs-editor.service loaded active running Carbonio Docs Server carbonio-files-db-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio Files database sidecar carbonio-files-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio Files sidecar proxy carbonio-files.service loaded active running Carbonio Files daemon carbonio-mailbox-sidecar.service loaded active running Mailbox carbonio proxy sidecar carbonio-mta-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio mta sidecar proxy carbonio-preview-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio Preview sidecar proxy carbonio-preview.service loaded active running Carbonio Preview daemon carbonio-prometheus-mysqld-exporter.service loaded active running Carbonio Prometheus MySQL exporter carbonio-prometheus-nginx-exporter.service loaded active running Carbonio Prometheus NGINX exporter carbonio-prometheus-node-exporter.service loaded active running Carbonio Prometheus Node Exporter carbonio-prometheus-openldap-exporter.service loaded active running Carbonio Prometheus OpenLDAP exporter carbonio-proxy-sidecar.service loaded active running NGINX carbonio proxy sidecar carbonio-storages-sidecar.service loaded active running Storages-CE sidecar proxy carbonio-storages.service loaded active running Carbonio Storages-CE daemon carbonio-tasks-db-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio Tasks database sidecar carbonio-user-management-sidecar.service loaded active running Carbonio User Management sidecar proxy carbonio-user-management.service loaded active running Carbonio User Management daemon carbonio.service loaded active exited LSB: Carbonio Services
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
0.2.0-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
Installed: 0.0.1-1ubuntu1~
Candidate: 0.0.1-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
0.0.1-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Installed: 0.0.7-1ubuntu1~
Candidate: 0.0.7-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
0.0.7-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
0.2.0-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
Everything seems correct, I'll do a clean install and follow your video.
I can see carbonio-tasks-ce candidate is available but not installed:
carbonio-tasks-ce: Installed: (none) Candidate: 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~ Version table: 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~ 500 500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
It should be like:
root@mail:~# apt-cache policy carbonio-tasks*
Installed: 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~
Candidate: 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
0.2.0-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Installed: 0.0.1-1ubuntu1~
Candidate: 0.0.1-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
0.0.1-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Installed: 0.0.7-1ubuntu1~
Candidate: 0.0.7-1ubuntu1~
Version table:
*** 0.0.7-1ubuntu1~ 500
500 https://repo.zextras.io/release/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Try installing carbonio-tasks-ce before doing a fresh installation as a last resort and do bootstrap and pending-setups. And finally restart all services and then check if it works or not. Otherwise, you can do a fresh installation anytime.
I hope it helps.
Thanks again and wish you a happy and blessed year ahead.
@sharif Grateful for your time, I installed carbonio-tasks-ce and it now works. I should have seen it wasn't installed.
Thank you!
Glad that this solved the issue.
And don't worry, we miss things like these all the times.
Cheers and Happy new year to you !
My two cents to help organizing it 🤣
Telegram: @CarbonioMail
In 24.1.0 on RHEL need to enable carbonio-tasks.service
$ systemctl enable carbonio-tasks.service $ systemctl start carbonio-tasks.service