Hello and thank's for your job. I moved few mounth ago from zimbta to Carbonio CE. I have a single server installation and now I upgraded to version 24.9.0
I am trying to install and configure grafana/promotheus into same server of Carbonio. I did it following official CE guide.
I login in Grafana web gui via http://CarbonioPublicIp:3000/login (using localhost doesn't work) and I login in into Grafana WebGui, but when I create and add Data sources I get an error when I save it as follow:
Post "http://host.docker.internal:9090/api/v1/query": dial tcp: lookup host.docker.internal on no such host - There was an error returned querying the Prometheus API.Post "http://host.docker.internal:9090/api/v1/query": dial tcp: lookup host.docker.internal on no such host - There was an error returned querying the Prometheus API.
Anyone can give me some help to try to solve this problem probably up to misconfiguration? I walked troughout different logs but I didn't found anything usefull for me.
9090 is not a used port.
For ports used by Carbonio, see this link:
If you want to see them back which are active, you could try this in the CLI:
root@mailserver:~# ss -ltn
I am in the middle of the same thing 😉
Only not on docker.
Now I'm having trouble setting up the Grafana connector giving me errors when testing the connection.
ReadObject: expect { or , or } or n, but found <, error found in #1 byte of ...|<html> <|..., bigger context ...|<html> <head><title>Named Process Exporter</titl|... - There was an error returned querying the Prometheus API.