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03/31/2023 15:44
Where can I find the images and instructions for installing the Carbonio CE DOCKER?
What is the default username and password for this installation?
Topic starter
04/02/2023 13:00
Doing a search on Docker Hub I found several images, but none with instructions or documentation.
Does anyone have any information that can help me with the installation?
I already tried to run the image, but I couldn't access it.
08/05/2023 21:00
This is actually working as a rudimentary base.
now i just have to figure out how to get the files stuff running, once this is ok i might consider switching from kopano to carbonio
hosts: localhost mail carbonio.mail.local
version: '3.6' services: app: image: carbonio/ce-single-u20:latest hostname: container_name: carbonio privileged: true cap_add: - ALL ports: - "6071:6071" - "444:443" extra_hosts: - "mail" volumes: - ./container.config:/opt/container.config - ./hosts:/etc/hosts:ro restart: always
all:stop rm run log deploy:pull all dploy:deploy start: docker-compose start stop: docker-compose stop logs: docker-compose logs -f restart: docker-compose restart rm: docker-compose rm -f run: docker-compose up --force-recreate -d pull: docker-compose pull bash: docker-compose exec -it bash