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[Solved] Fresh Installation of Carbonio CE 24.9.1 opn RHEL 9

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Just some words to share my experience with the Single Server installation on a RockyLinux 9.

  1. Be (still and always) cautious with the way you write the hostname in /etc/hosts
    •Β myhost is fine
    • myhost is NOT as they lead to a not-fqdn zimbra_server_hostname

      This was already the case with Zimbra OSE, and that has not been fixed.

  2. amavis-mc wants take advantage of zeromq but the needed prerequisites were not installed on my box, so :
    • dnf install -y perl-Unix-Syslog zeromq-devel
    • cpan install ZMQ::LibZMQ3
  3. service-discoverd crashes dump :


service-discoverd[1303]: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
service-discoverd[1303]: [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x50 pc=0x5dd9be]
service-discoverd[1303]: goroutine 1 [running]:
service-discoverd[1303]: /home/agent/go/pkg/mod/
service-discoverd[1303]:*Conn).SimpleBind(0x0, 0xc0000d1bd8)
service-discoverd[1303]: /home/agent/go/pkg/mod/ +0x13e
service-discoverd[1303]:*Conn).Bind(0xc0000c42e0?, {0xc0000c47a0?, 0x43ca20?}, {0xc000012a45?, 0x60ed60?})
service-discoverd[1303]: /home/agent/go/pkg/mod/ +0x53
service-discoverd[1303]:, 0x4a?)
service-discoverd[1303]: /tmp/service-discover/pkg/carbonio/ldap.go:216 +0x1eb
service-discoverd[1303]:*ldapContext).QueryAllServersWithService(0x16?, {0x654469, 0x10})
service-discoverd[1303]: /tmp/service-discover/pkg/carbonio/ldap.go:149 +0x65
service-discoverd[1303]: main.queryAllServiceDiscoverServers({0x6bf018?, 0xc000016600?})
service-discoverd[1303]: /tmp/service-discover/cmd/service-discoverd/service-discoverd.go:318 +0x31
service-discoverd[1303]: main.runServiceDiscoverDaemon({0x6bfb08, 0x869100}, {0xc000014040, 0x2, 0xc0000061c0?})
service-discoverd[1303]: /tmp/service-discover/cmd/service-discoverd/service-discoverd.go:132 +0x3d7
service-discoverd[1303]: main.main()
service-discoverd[1303]: /tmp/service-discover/cmd/service-discoverd/service-discoverd.go:92 +0x36

This is systematic at each reboot, though I cannot reproduce when running the same binary on foreground. But I wonder if the service-discoverd would not try to connect to a LDAP daemon which, unfortunately, has not yet started at that time...

4. I also had to `zmprov sp myPassword` before connecting to the Admin UI. The document would probably takes advantage of adding a word about that.

At the moment, seems that ldap, proxy, mta work fine. I have to debug all the mesh architecture..

Hope that may help.



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Still on the road of cleaning up error messages found in the journal after the install.

First, I do confirm that starting the service-discoverd daemon when ldap is ready (i.e. as soon as exists) prevents the previously reported segfault. I get now "envoy" info log lines, which I didn't have before. Fine.

I have had to fix some permissions reacting to some error messages in the journal :

  • mkdir -m 0755 /var/log/carbonio/storages && chown carbonio-storages:carbonio-storages /var/log/carbonio/storages
  • chown -R carbonio-message-dispatcher /opt/zextras/common/lib/mongooseim/log

So user and admin UI, proxy, mta and ldap (the core) work well (at least I send mails even if my current firewall config doesn't let me receive any), but collaboration services nor any mesh component do not work. I get lot of connection errors in the journal :

  • `[4630]: 2024-12-04T10:06:19.409+0100 [WARN] Β agent: Check TCP connection failed: check=service:carbonio-message-dispatcher-auth-sidecar-proxy:1 error="dial tcp connect: connection refused`

All collaboration services seem to be concerned :(About 15 pending-setups are present.

What I currently suppose is that all the errors I see come from a postgresql database issue.

Particularly, I wonder about the command `carbonio-message-dispatcher-migration carbonio_adm 20000` : 20000 here is the postgresql port we are addressing (POSTGRES_PORT in the script). I don't understand at the moment how it is expected to work as the postgresql listening port is 5432.

Any help more than appreciated πŸ™‚

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My adventures of this day.

First, I have checked every service defined in /lib/systemd/system/carbonio-*, and found that most of them were OK. Fine (and a good surprise).

Just, amavis was not properly setup. I have had to `mkdir /var/amavis && chown zextras:zextras /var/amavis` in order to have the msg-forwarder service up and running.

Services which are not OK :

  • carbonio-docs-connector-db-sidecar and carbonio-docs-connector-sidecar
  • carbonio-files-db-sidecar, carbonio-files-sidecar and carbonio-files
  • carbonio-mailbox-db-sidecar
  • carbonio-message-dispatcher-db-sidecar
  • carbonio-storages-sidecar (though carbonio-storages is OK)
  • carbonio-tasks-db-sidecar, carbonio-tasks-sidecar and carbonio-tasks
  • carbonio-ws-collaboration-db-sidecar, carbonio-ws-collaboration-sidecar and carbonio-ws-collaboration

So as I found yesterday, the core of the mail server is fine, but collaboration components are not.

I am stucked here as I just discover the consul mesh architecture, and do not really understand it at the moment. So do not know what to look at..

I have configured my ws to gain access to the Mess Administration Interface which says that 12 services are not ok (but consul services are not same than systemd services). Though I am logged in with the bootstrap token, the UI says than there is no Roles, nor Auth methods, nor Peers (or I don't have acl:read or peering:read permissions), though this later may be normal in a single server installation.

Regarding the last line posted yesterday, I have understood that 20000 addresses the carbonio-message-dispatcher-db consul service, which I suppose acts as a sort of proxy to postgre... But that doesn"t lead very far : I have a process listening on this ip:port, but its child is defunc πŸ™

Once again, any help would be very appreciated.



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Hello all,

More than one month later, I didn't have gone forward. Though the mail server itself works fine, sends and receives, the Consul architecture is still broken.

Does anyone could help, please ? Maybe for the first service at least : which is it ?

Thanks in advance.


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So eventually I have finished with Carbonio-CE installation on RHEL9. I am happy (and a bit proud) to be able to say that, according to systemctl, all services are up and running.

As a minor inconvenience, the Consul Admin UI Interface says that there would be still 1 service (carbonio-ws-collaboration) not fully healthy, and I actually cannot connect to

For others which would have same issues, I have noted that:

- purging /etc/zextras/pending-setups.d doesn't hurt as soon as you are willing to re-run scripts manually

- dropping database and role from PostgreSQL is needed to re-run all carbonio-tasks|-files|-ws-collaboration -db-bootstrap|-db-setup|-setup scripts

- running the script as `# SETUP_CONSUL_TOKEN=<your_secretID_here> carbonio-files-db-bootstrap` (for example) is a faster way than having to re-enter the cluster credential password each time...

Best regards


NB: as a consultant, freely sharing the solutions I have found appears obvious to me, but I have nothing against paid missions πŸ™‚

