I'm trying to migrate from Zimbra and I am stuck on trying to get my external mail replay working with SMTP authentication. The Zimbra instructions are listed here:
Essentially I have done:
echo mailrelay.example.com username:password > /opt/zextras/conf/relay_password postmap /opt/zextras/conf/relay_password postconf -e smtp_sasl_password_maps=hash:/opt/zextras/conf/relay_password zmprov ms $HOSTNAME zimbraMtaSmtpSaslPasswordMaps lmdb:/opt/zextras/conf/relay_password postconf -e smtp_sasl_auth_enable=yes zmprov ms $HOSTNAME zimbraMtaSmtpSaslAuthEnable yes zmprov ms $HOSTNAME zimbraMtaSmtpCnameOverridesServername no zmprov ms $HOSTNAME zimbraMtaSmtpTlsSecurityLevel may
When I try and send mail it now uses the relay, but does not attempt to use authentication at all and thus is rejected by the relay server.
This is a critical feature for me to be able to use Carbonio CE. Does anyone know how to get this to work like it does in Zimbra?
To add to this: The reason this did to work for me was that I'm us in-v3.mailjet.com as a relay which is a CNAME for in.mailjet.com. This should not matter as
zmprov ms $HOSTNAME zimbraMtaSmtpCnameOverridesServername no
should fix that. It seems it's ignored as I had to add a relay_password entry for in.mailjet.com.
Merry Christmas.
Looks like you figured it out all.
Let us know how it went.
And wish you a happy new year ahead !
I figured out a workaround to a bug in Carbonio.
zimbraMtaSmtpCnameOverridesServername no
This set to no should allow CNAMEs to work ( in-v3.mailjet.com in my case) but it does not as I had to add another domain/password in
The workaround will break if mailjet ever changes where the CNAME points to. This was not an issue in Zimbra 8.