I have some trobles with Carbonio CE setup.
When I login into Admin Panel - MTA - Outbound flow, in Instances I see DKIM is disable.
When I try to get list of services: carbonio prov gs | grep -i service
zimbraChatServiceEnabled: TRUE zimbraHttpContextPathBasedThreadPoolBalancingFilterRules: /service:max=80% zimbraServiceEnabled: service zimbraServiceEnabled: mailbox zimbraServiceEnabled: memcached zimbraServiceEnabled: mta zimbraServiceEnabled: proxy zimbraServiceEnabled: directory-server zimbraServiceEnabled: stats zimbraServiceEnabled: antivirus zimbraServiceEnabled: service-discover zimbraServiceHostname: zimbraServiceInstalled: memcached zimbraServiceInstalled: mailbox zimbraServiceInstalled: mta zimbraServiceInstalled: stats zimbraServiceInstalled: directory-server zimbraServiceInstalled: proxy zimbraServiceInstalled: antivirus zimbraStatThreadNamePrefix: AnonymousIoService
All steps for settings DKIM by this guide is complete.
When I get: sudo -iu zextras /opt/zextras/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -q -d I see my selector and key
Carbonio CE Version is 24.1.0
But the guide for setting up DKIM was done with version 23.9
Can you tell me what Im doing wrong? Thx a lot!
to solve you need enable dkim service manualy.
zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraServiceEnabled opendkim
@Elding did this resolve the issue? Later-on I'm planning on using DKIM too so I'm curious.