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Upgrade is good, but pending-setup fail

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after upgrading carbonio to the last , I got a message saying running pending-setups is required.

whatever options I try to run (a, 0,1,2 ) they all fail  the same way: 

~# pending-setups
Insert the cluster credential password: 

You have 3 pending setups to run
0) carbonio-mta.sh
1) carbonio-proxy-setup.sh
2) carbonio-mailbox-setup.sh

a) execute all
q) quit

Please input your selection:
> 2

Executing /etc/zextras/pending-setups.d/carbonio-mailbox-setup.sh
insert the cluster credential password: 
Error determining policy ID: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Setup failed: Cannot update policy for carbonio-mailbox-policy
Setup script failed, keeping it

Is it safe to run carbonio without pending-setups done ?  (I have rebooted the machine but it do not change nothing)

what service is supposed to run on ?

thanks for your advices.

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Posts: 203

hi @dominix


8500 is the port used by Carbonio Mesh. The pending-setups script can't communicate with it so it is not able to complete successfully, you should reload the Mesh service, after which the pending-setups will work.


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??? how do I do that ? I have no such service, or at least I don't known how it run.

tried reboot a few time but it didn't make no differences.


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Posts: 203


sorry for the late reply, you need to execute as root

systemctl restart service-discover

If this does not help, you need to inspect the log files using this command (or similar)

journalctl -u service-discover

Hope this helps!

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● service-discover.service - Service discover server for Zextras
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/service-discover.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-03-07 02:34:44 UTC; 8s ago
Docs: https://docs.zextras.com/
Process: 4148033 ExecStart=/usr/bin/service-discoverd server (code=exited, status=236/SMACK_PROCESS>
Main PID: 4148033 (code=exited, status=236/SMACK_PROCESS_LABEL)


journalctl -u service-discover |wc -l

there is a loop of this

Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld systemd[1]: service-discover.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 28846.
Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld systemd[1]: Stopped Service discover server for Zextras.
Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld systemd[1]: Starting Service discover server for Zextras...
Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld service-discoverd[4179338]: local service-discover server NOT present in ldap/zimbraServiceEnabled attribute carbonio.domain.tld
Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld systemd[1]: service-discover.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=236/SMACK_PROCESS_LABEL
Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld systemd[1]: service-discover.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Mar 07 03:02:41 carbonio.domain.tld systemd[1]: Failed to start Service discover server for Zextras.


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Posts: 203

@dominix, I need to pass this information to our devs because I have no idea of what's going on. Can you share some details about you OS, Single or Multi-Server install from/to which version you are upgrading, and version of service-discover package? I hope then to get back to you as soon as possible.



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single server, ubuntu 20.04 , was installed in fev 2022 version and upgraded to each release

root@carbonio:~# service-discover version
service-discover version: 0.1.0
agent version: N/A

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Posts: 61

@dominix please verify what are enabled services with :

carbonio gs `zmhostname` zimbraServiceEnabled

Then if there is no "service-discover" service, enable it with :

carbonio ms `zmhostname` +zimbraServiceEnabled 'service-discover'

Finally restart service-discover with systemctl restart service-discover and verify if service is running.

dominix reacted
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@mgarbo OK, thanks, look like service-discover start correctly now

service-discover was not enabled, it is now

and pending-setups is able to run.

thanks for your support.
