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[Sticky] [HowTo] Sync Zimbra Open Source Edition and an iPhone/iPad

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Zimbra Calendars on iPhone/iPad/iPod

This guide explains how to configure calendar sync between a Zimbra Open Source Edition and an iPhone (or any iSomething with CalDAV capabilites, including iPods and iPads)

A little foreword
I'd like to explain a couple of things before we start..
First, I'll use the iDevice term to describe any Apple device running on iOS 3.1+
Second, I'll use the term CLICK. Sorry for that, but I can't suite myself with the 'touch this' or 'touch that' terminology. This is a serious post :P

How Calendar Synchronization works (without Zimbra Mobile ofc)

Synchronizing your Zimbra Calendar (or Address Book, but that'll be covered in another tutorial)to your iDevice is pretty easy via the CalDAV protocol.

Quote from the CalDAV page on Wikipedia.

Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV, or CalDAV, is an Internet standard allowing a client to access scheduling information on a remote server. It extends WebDAV (HTTP-based protocol for data manipulation) specification and uses iCalendar format for the data. The protocol is defined by RFC 4791. It allows multiple client access to the same information thus allowing cooperative planning and information sharing. Many server and client applications support the protocol.

Configuring the Sync

  • From the Dashboard, enter the "Settings" menu
  • Click on "Mail, Contacts, Calendars"
  • Select "Add Account"
  • Choose "Other"
  • Click on "Add CalDAV Account
  • Fill the requested data
    • Server - The address of your Zimbra Server
    • User Name - Your email address
    • Password - Your Zimbra password
    • Description - A description for the account, e.g. Zimbra Calendars or Work
  • Press "Next" and eventually press "Continue" for the "Cannot connect using SSL" message. Your data will be verified.
  • If the data you entered is correct the new account should be visible on the "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" view.

Enable Calendar Visualization

  • Enter the Calendar app
  • A new label, named after the Description of the account you just created, should be visible together with a list of all the calendars in your Zimbra account (both yours and shared to you)
  • Click on a calendar name to enable/disable that calendar from the view.
  • Press "Done" to return to the calendar overview. Appointments from all the selected calendars should be visible. If not, create a test event to force the first sync between your iDevice and your Zimbra Server

Final Thoughts
CalDAV is a stable and well-supported protocol, and using it for the synchronization between Zimbra and your mobile device allows you to work on all the calendars of your Zimbra account.. Pretty neat, huh?

Your iCommunity iManager,
iCine :)

Posted : 06/15/2011 18:01