Last seen: 08/24/2024 11:59
@sharif I'll find out later about scenarios. I have received message attached earlier from one of our mail system user, who currently on vacation. ...
@sharif These mails are generated by the application, there is no option to add inline image or so, because we receive them from the 3rd party web app...
@sharif 1. It affects mail that we receive to Carbonio from one of the web applications. 2. Adding inline images via Carbonio mail composer works...
@sharif Thank you Could you help with this?
@sharif Visualization Options -> By message I just checked, when conversation mode on sorting works fine, but by messages it behaves like i...
Hello. AFAIK currently it isn't possible. Use CLI.
Same question and more to that: is this somehow possible to resize panes in current layout like in Zimbra Web Client?
zextras@mail:~$ zmcontrol -v Carbonio Release 24.7.1 Did some research on the problem... @Max_S OP, you could add you host from SPF to mynetworks ...
Hello! I could managed this problem by this # workaround for error Sender address rejected: not logged in zextras@mail:~$ zmprov mcf zimbraMtaSmt...
Same trouble. I think the problem is that carbonio prov mcf carbonioAmavisDisableVirusCheck TRUE somehow doing nothing in the amavis configuratio...
Hello. Experience the same problem, still did not managed to import tasks exported from zimbra9 as tgz (no way to export in any other format except zi...
@anahuac I'll take a look, thank you. Anyway, i decided just delete unnecessary domains and corresponding stuff right on the destination server.
/opt/zimbra/backup# /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/slapcat -F /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config -b "" -H ldap:///???(&(!(entryDN:dnSubTreeMatch:=cn=zimbra))) ...