Joined: 11/21/2022 19:32
Last seen: 05/21/2023 12:16
Topics: 2 / Replies: 5
RE: Carbonio Community Edition - New Release

@noyot I had the same problem after the last update. I tried different solutions, but the problem was solved only a couple of days ago, after I ran...

1 year ago
RE: Connection problems smtps ports 465 and 587

I have the same problem. After the update, sending emails from external applications or services does not work. Receiving emails from external applica...

1 year ago
RE: Time and day format

3 screenshot after switching to calendar and back to inbox

2 years ago
RE: Time and day format

@shariful-islam I am unable to view the screenshot.For users, language and time zone settings are set. If you switch to the calendar and back to th...

2 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 542
RE: No document preview and editing (RHEL8)

Found another error in the logs: Running scriptlet: carbonio-policyd-2.0.14-3.el8.x86_64 65/89chown: cannot access '/opt/zextras/data/cbpolicyd': No...

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 642