Last seen: 02/05/2025 11:08
I experience the same problem. When my account gets locked by brute force attack I find the ip's in the log and filteres them. I use this command to...
24.7.1 helped for me too. Now startup does not take 15 minutes with 100% load
It seams, that rabbitmq and mongooseim have problems starting. Continous restart attemps in syslog - hov to attach 360 KB syslog extract here? May...
I want to control, if forwarded mail is also stored in local inbox too or not.Presently I have to control this by using a filter with both forward and...
Sorry - the original script was the zimbra version. The Carbonio version is shorter: #!/bin/bashtail -100000f /var/log/carbonio.log | fgrep -v '12...
Should read: In zimbra "zmprov ga" returns the variable zimbraPrefMailLocalDeliveryDisabled In Carbonio CE this variable does not show up - wher...
My experience is, that it works, iff you after creating the signature logs out of the client and in again.
Hi Probably my fault - sorry. Please clote this topic.