Last seen: 03/13/2025 14:54
Perhaps a workaround might be to send a SIGCHLD to the parent pid to see if they have a signal handler that would issue that wait(2) to clean up these...
Guessing at cause. Verify cap_net_bind_service can be set for slapd in your environment. Run this command: % getcap /opt/zextras/common/libexec...
Thank you for creating the above document. I was playing around with GPT-4 to see if we could train and create a GPT specialized to your document. I ...
I think this is probably the easiest if you wanted to do it yourself.
This shows the difficulty when a company such as Zimbra doesn't fully support open source. Fortunately, it is now trivial to build with Ian Walkers sc...
@stefanodavid Now that I know that was not normal, I looked for root cause and sure enough they are using extended attributes for nginx now... rel...
@stefanodavid My guess is historic because to bind to any port below 1024, one needed to be root. The workers are running as zextras but the main proc...
Hi Joost, A couple of suggestions for your steps. Step 4 and 5. install.sh -s will do that fixperms Step 0... put the old zmhostname name in /...
Not clear what you are doing but this is fairly common when someone attempts rsync to a different os version. Here is what causes this every time. ...
I don't know what the correct answer is but zmcontrol pulls services from ldap and they no longer appear to have code in /opt/zextras/bin or zmcontrol...
Confirmed for RHEL 8. Looks like they are reworking zmcontrol. I did this for the short term in /etc/rsyslogd.d/carbonio.conf and reloaded it until ...
If you can't bind an ip address to port 389 then you will not have anything running to answer ldap queries which is what that is telling you and you v...
update /etc/hosts, your dns and your machine working with the new ip and restart carbonio. You can always query all of ldap and localconfig with somet...
Hi, While I don't use that acme client for LE, that guide should be updated to reflect that the certbot acme client now defaults to certificate type...