Last seen: 02/10/2024 09:10
Anyone was able to install the build mentioned earlier?
@jansko: I have tried your build as well but it also fails due to missing Onlyoffice. How did you fixed that on your side?
@jansko djakujem for the build! (I hope I typed it the right way)
Hello there, I have also fixed the LDAP issue with fixpermission command. But I am currently struggeling with building a new version myself and in...
@arman It's quiet interessting why it then fails when installing regular updates why `apt`. If your developers need any tester feel free to get back...
@arman Of course you do as you always did but it still does not answer my question if you provide any additional stuff within the precompiled packages...
@arman Have you anyhow put some "Zextras magic" within the Zimbra packages you provide? I tried to install another precompiled Zimbra version from h...
Hello @arman can you at least analyse why LDAP won't start so we might fix the issue by ourself?
@Arman: Would it be possible to migrate from your Zextras build to TechFile Zimbra 9 ? I have tried to but it did not start so I am unsure if th...
@arman Hello Arman, thanks for the advise - I was just interessted if someone else have/had the same issues. My email server OS was Ubuntu 18.04 w...
@arman Thanks Arman! I can confirm the update worked out of the box without an issue.
@arman Thanks for sharing this information and also continuing with the OSE project. May I just ask if a deployment is necessary as from time to tim...
@jasgg_it I raised a ticket via the official support channel to exchange some log files with @matt . He gave me the information to adept it and I sh...
Thanks to @matt I was finally able to solve this issue. Anyone who is also having issues upgrading to the p25 version of Zextras Zimbra please edit yo...