Last seen: 02/13/2025 14:51
PublicServiceHostname and zimbraVirtualHostName are two different things. PublicServiceHostname is used internaly for some apps/links (password chan...
It eventually ended... Setting up carbonio-ws-collaboration-ce (0.3.6-1ubuntu) ... Installing new version of config file /etc/zextras/service-disco...
What did you do to "setup ldap replica to answer queries"?
You have to give your server (VM, VPS) a name (FQDN) and setup Carbonio (the domain you're using) with that name.Public or private IP, it's quite the ...
Yes you can, obviously.But not with the "integrated in WebAdmin of Carbonio" method.
Does this happen while using the webmail or another mail client?
I guess you're connecting to email.domain.tld with SMTP. And I think the problem with LetsEncrypt method is that it only manages the certificates th...
I used Zextras' build (the 20231104 one).The script stopped with the error, I got the file from github and relaunched the script, the updat...
Quoting a Zimbra employee about this: File is part of ZCS 10.0.0 GA.
The missing file is not in the quoted list, sorry (went too fast).See:/p>
It looks like there's a bunch of files missing from the build, all of files in `/opt/zimbra/libexec/scripts`. root@server:/opt/zimbra/libexec/script...
It can also be because the sshd port is not 22 anymore.
Honestly, if you decide to use Carbonio, it's not to give data to Google (and others). So either setup your own resolver or if you can't use Quad9 (...