Last seen: 11/28/2023 21:51
@arman Thanks for the good work! I am gonna try it and let you know.
@arman -- could you please provide an update on new releases? Thanks
@daz That is not great. I tried recently a clean install - went good. And upgraded my production server with the latest Zextras-package. After insta...
@daz All I can say is that the mail from Zextras worked yesterday. Please download the latest Zextras build. I don't use Zimbra repos anymore.
@daz I requested the download link yesterday and I received an email. Subject "Welcome to Zimbra 9 Open Source build by Zextras". wget download.zextra...
Sorry, typo. I have no issues currently. Server is tested as A+ on Qualys SSL.
@matt Hello Matt, thanks for your reply. Should I perform these 3 step even if my machine is running good currently? After installing the ldap patch i...
I upgraded today. Zextras suite and Zextras open source build. Zextras suite went fine and afterwards I decided to make a full backup and upgrade to...
@funifuni Based on the experience on P25 I have excluded "" from apt-get.
Addition on my last reply: After the fresh install + problems I installed this (below) and all is running well. apt-get install zimbra-openjdk=13....
@phoenix Confirm. Today installed a clean virtual Ubuntu server 18.04. All patches present. Installed latest Zextras - Latest Version: 9.0.0p24 --...
@jreiter1975 I am currently on the road and don't have remote access to my system. I will post the repo URL when I am back. I haven't tried or need...
@jreiter1975 My advice is to stop updating via repos if you have an Zextras install. New Zextras build should be provided to apply updates/upgrades. S...
@funifuni If you exclude Zimbra repos then it wil work. New updates/upgrade will be available via Zextras installation package. No need to update via ...
@funifuni The new installation packages from Zextras are cumulative. I don't do a (fully) clean install but upgrade via a new Zextras-package. exclu...