Last seen: 01/24/2025 16:42
Hi, everything looks fine except the out of memory message. But to confirm it, I have requested devs to reproduce the scenario and share their thoug...
@darkma91cian Hi, The port is the internal port for workstream collaboration. As we do not see that port listened, I just noticed carb...
@malick-zextras Hi, You can implement this policy using CBpolicyD (codenamed "cluebringer"). The package required for this feature is carbonio-...
@max_s Could you please elaborate the scenario a bit more for our better understanding? also, I have the in my system. zextras@ma...
@respoz Could you please share the output of the following commands: root@mail:~# systemctl list-units carbonio* and root@mail:~# curl -s -v| ...
@arukashi Hi, Thanks for the information. Already this issue has been reported by some of our users. I confirm that our devs are working on this ...
@malick-zextras Hi, 2FA and MFA are not available in Carbonio Community Edition. But they are available in Carbonio. Regards, Sharif
@ricardo Hi, Could you please share the output of the following commands from your Zimbra Server: zimbra@mail:~$ zmmailbox -z -m desired-account...
@jvillamarh In your response, are you replying or forwarding? Replying does not add original attachment where as forwarding adds the original attach...
@kadet77rus Hi, Could you please take a look at this article, especially the Contacts & Calendar part and let us know: Regards, Sharif
@arukashi Hi, Could you please tell us what option you have selected between: (In the Settings > Mails > Displaying Messages) By Convers...
@max_s What is the output of: zextras@mail:~$ carbonio prov gacf | grep -i zimbraSpamHeader Regards, Sharif
@max_s Hi, Not entirely, but amavis is responsible for the content filtering. Regards, Sharif
@max_s So, carbonio-amavisd is installed in your system but not enabled. Let's enable it: zextras@mail:~$ carbonio prov ms $(hostname -f) +zimb...
@max_s Let's check enabled services: zextras@mail:~$ carbonio prov gs $(hostname -f) | grep -i zimbraServiceEnabled Regards, Sharif