Last seen: 03/09/2025 07:16
@szaboistvan007 Hi, Thanks for understanding. I will forward your concern to our Dev teams and as soon as I get any update about it's ETA or any...
@blazer79 Hi, The way you have set hostname & hosts file is not the correct one considering what you want to achieve. As per your hostname a...
@szaboistvan007 Hi, I can understand your interest and concern. But right now, Mobile App Authentication is not functional in Carbonio CE. For...
@tlaramie Hi, Could you please share some more details? Like: 1. Your OS2. What commands you executed precisely.3. zmcontrol status Regards, ...
@sistemak-imh Hi, Please accept my apology for the delay. I have reproduced the scenario and it matches your description. 1. If the image is ...
@ingelserv Hi, You need to reset the password. Regards, Sharif
@theseko, Hi, Sorry to hear about your trouble. I noticed no zextras repo added in your system. service-discover-server and service-discover-age...
@jelledj Hi, Zimlet feature is not part of the architecture of Carbonio CE. Therefore, the command binary (zmzimletctl) and reference directories ...
@japacheco Hi, Try # su - zextras -c "zmaccts" Let us know what you get. Regards, Sharif
@imanudin11 Hi, Glad to know that everything has been resolved. Thank you so much for your patience and kindness in helping with the investigat...
@imanudin11 Hi, Glad this information. But still we are unable to get service health condition from: curl -s -v| jq But the real issue is wh...
@imanudin11 Hi, Sorry to hear that. Could you please share the output of these commands: # curl -s -v| jq and # systemctl list-units carbo...
Hi, Here you should find the necessary information: displayName in Admin GUI Let me know if you can access it or not? Have a good day. Regar...
@m-sistem Hi, Right now, sendAsDistList sendAs sendOnBehalfOf Are not included in Carbonio CE. But they are still on the discussion table...
@wendy_zextras Hi, Thank for sharing your feedback. Actually Account Name is not the DisplayName. It only acts as displayName when the displayN...