Last seen: 11/20/2024 11:05
@anahuac I always try to test on the latest version, so this time it was 23.9. What Carbonio does afterwards I have no idea 🙂 The procedure writ...
@rwebb616 We have updated last week the guidelines on the docs, testing them successfully in the process. Can you please check if it works for you and...
anahuac, you are not trying to start a flame, aren't you? 🙂
#carlb, Ubuntu 20.04 is Focal, not jammy (which is 22.04) please also fill in the form to register, see/p> HTH,
@rwebb616 yes, sorry you are right. I just checked one of our VMs and they are under the [storage] section.
Hi, have you checked the documentation? In case in that docs you find something not clear that we can improve, we are happy to take suggestions.
@jppo Have you tried this solution?
@rwebb616 in case the two options are not present in the file /etc/carbonio/preview/config.ini, they should be added at the end of the file (this is...
@adassoft You need to change the password for the zextras user before accessing the web interface. See/p> This information for some reasons has di...
@adassoft we do not support Ubuntu 20.10 (groovy), only 20.04 LTS (Focal)
@bic Thank you for the report. about point 1., please read this post:/p> about point 2. I will report this to our developers and QA team.
@phuongnd678 you should restart the nginx exporter. We wrote this here As you see, this is the Single-Server doc, for some reason we did not ad...
@algorges this should be implemented in the next version, 23.10
@horobi 23.9.0 should be released later today, based on the information I have.
Hi @ricardobarbosams What's your use case? Carbonio AFAIK does not need to use port 80.