Joined: 11/21/2023 11:45
Last seen: 08/06/2024 21:52
Topics: 5 / Replies: 31
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

Hi Sharif looks like I need to start again. Will I have to re-install Ubuntu or can I force the carbonio installation to overwrite the existing one?

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

~$ carbonio prov gs `zmhostname` | grep -i LookupTargetzimbraReverseProxyAvailableLookupTargets: mail.zextras.xyzzimbraReverseProxyLookupTarget: TRUE

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

#$ carbonio prov ms `zmhostname` zimbraReverseProxyLookupTarget mail.zextras.xyzERROR: account.INVALID_ATTR_VALUE (zimbraReverseProxyLookupTarget must...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

Hi Sharif #hostname # grep zm_lookup_handlers /opt/zextras/conf/nginx/includes/nginx.conf.zmlookupzm_lookup_handlers/p> p...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

also consul membersNode Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Segmentserver-mail.zextras 111.222.333.444:8301 alive server 1.10.12 2 dc1 <all>...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

@sharif I went throgh the video and could not see anything I missed except removing any IPV6 lines from /etc/hosts which I have done now. I also re-...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

OK the output of carbonio prov gs `zmhostname` | grep -i looks good # name mail.zextras.xyzcn: mail.zextras.xyzzimbraServiceHostnam...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

Fresh install; Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTSRelease: 20.04Codename: focalCarbonio Release 23.11.0

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

@sharif I have the latest version of carbonio which includes letsencrypt and certbot. Here is the output, somewhat confirming my theory; zextr...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

@stefanodavid As I said in the origial post, I had set the zimbraReverseProxyMailMode to redirect as I was following the article you referred to ab...

9 months ago
RE: Failed SSL Cert request from Admin UI

@anahuac I have read your articles but whilst used on my zimbra server, I wanted to use the Admin UI. Also, I imagine that the acme challeng...

9 months ago
Replies: 31
Views: 1812
RE: New install - Sending mail but not Receiving mail

Solved. It turned out to be that the test emails were using an old cached mx record

9 months ago
RE: amavis will not start

@anahuac I took a snapshot and used the zmsetservername script and now amavisd.conf properly shows the FQDN and according to zmcontrol status everythi...

9 months ago
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