Zimbra REST API: Briefcase Methods | Zimbra

Alert! This article is written for Zimbra OSE users. As of December 2023, Synacor will no longer be providing support for Zimbra OSE. You might want to consider trying out Carbonio Community Edition – Zextras’s free and open-source email and collaboration platform.

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In this article we are going to analyze the Briefcase methods of the Zimbra REST API. For an overview and in-depth coverage about it, we refer you to the related article in our technical blog.

Get Briefcase

This method gets the list of items in briefcase folde. The HTTP method to read data is get. The default folder used is clearly “Briefcase”, but you can choose a custom one by the user.

The basic url is:



You can choose between various formats, such as xml, json, rss, zip, tar, tgz.

Please note that if you are going to use archive formats (zip,tar,tgz), then the items in the briefcase folder are packaged in the archive


The response format fmt parameter is required.


If you want to retrieve a directory, with a list of sub-folders and documents of the Briefcase folder, you can type:


If you want to retrieve the directory of a user-defined “CustomFolder” folder that is a sub-folder of “Mybriefcase”:


Get Briefcase Item

This method gets a specified item from the briefcase folder. The HTTP method to read data is get. The default folder used is clearly “Briefcase”, but you can choose a custom one by the user.

The basic url is:





The item id parameter is required. You can use, as an alternative, the file name in the URL.


If you want to retrieve the item with id=789 from the “Briefcase” folder:


If you want to retrieve the file “presentation.ppt” from the user-defined folder “BusinessPresentations”:

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Zimbra REST API: Item Methods | Zimbra
Zimbra REST API: Mail Methods | Zimbra